We've been in Sydney for a couple of days now, it's been amazing so far. We arrived on Monday afternoon and had a fantastic view of the harbour and opera house on our way in on the plane. We've spent most of the day just looking around the city, there is so much to see and so far we have been to both Darling Harbour and Circular Quay, have walked over the harbour bridge, have seen most of downtown on foot, taken a catamaran ride, been to Bondi Beach and relaxed too. It's really nice to be in a city again, I didn't think I'd missed it but obviously I had!! It's a pretty lively place as I'm sure you can imagine and is really easy to walk around, the downtown area where we are staying is pretty small and we're close to everything.
We've managed to catch up with Rich's friend Ben, he met him in Fiji last time he was travelling and he lives in Bondi, it's nice to see a familiar face. We're off to the Blue Mountains this weekend, not sure why they're blue but I'll let you know when we get back!!
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