So we spent the last few days by the pool at the Volivoli beach resort not doing a great deal! Except of course watch New Zealand choke again in the tri-nations! However today it was time to move on. We drove to a tiny beach resort on the north coast near Ba to experience a bit of the Indo-Fijian lifestyle! We made our own nan breads on a traditional stove and had some amazing curry for lunch. Then we travelled back towards Nadi through an area of sugar cane fields to the Sabeto mud pools and hot springs. I'm not sure exactly what the mud is supposed to do but Howellsey enjoyed messing around in it anyway. It was gross! The hot pools were seriously hot, but were good to wash away the mud from the previous dip! After this we headed back into Nadi to visit Treasure House children's home. This was in place of the usual school visit as all the kids here are on holiday. We learned a bit about the background of some of the children and why they were there. We brought them some pressies and shared some birthday cake with one of the little girls. Esther, who is in the picture seemed to take a shine to me! It was lovely to meet them all and know that good things are happening for these kids in Fiji. We then headed back to our resort in Nadi for the evening. We will be off to the islands in the morning on the Yasawas flyer - whoop!
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