Dear people.
The long way back, NOT FUN!
Due to our limeted stay in South America, we had to get all the way back from Cusco (Peru) all the back to Salta (Argentina) through all of Bolivia. 3 days of busses 60 hours on a bus and approx. 12 hours waiting in bus stations and 7 hours in the border between Bolivia and Argentina.
First we got the night bus from Cusco (Peru) to La Paz (Bolivia) Between to border from Peru to Bolivia we got our migration stamp and though we could leave without problems, of course we got stopped by the Peruvian border police/dirty cops, they took us to a investigation room, where they told us they were looking for drugs between our luggage and got my little backpack searched, only the big pockets, he was only interested in counting my money, he deffently didnt look for anything else, he found my danish notes and wanna change it for Peruvian Sol 1 sol is 2 danish DKK. He found 2 * 200 kr. 2 * 100 and 1 * 50 I told him the 50 DKK was worth 100 dollars and he wanted to change the 50 DKK with a 10 note Peru Sol I had to say yes otherwise he probably take it all plus mine 300 dollars backup. I lost 30 DKK which luckely is nothing, and the idiot of a cop though it was 100 dollar worth, lucky and a good reminder to have you money in the socks while you crossing borders.
After the border crossing back in the bus to La Paz central station, stayed there for 7 hours, have to mention a gross thing at La Paz station, there was a hugh wall filled with missing persons, like there was desapiring a person a day! We got some food at the station aswell, worst food ever sausage and frites, dog food didnt eat it...
Next bus was from La Paz to the border between Bolivia and Argentina, we got there early in the morning, got directly to the border and waited for 6 hours, think there was 1000 people in the line and only 1 Bolivian migration officer, we experienced rain and HOT sun. Finally we manage to get out exit stamp and waited for 3 minutes for the Argentinian check-in quick and professional. The defference between Peru, Bolivia and Argentina is hugh, the Argentinian is so more professionel and you dont have to wait in a long time, exept in siesta.
Again waited for several hours at the next night bus in Argentina, when we finally got on the last bus, we were so tired we sleepted right away, nobody at the bus, so all had 4 seats each perfect and it was a semi cama bus. The busses is devided in Normal, Semi Cama, Cama and Super cama. Super cama you get served hot meal, steak in Argentina of course and you able to lay down. Cama is a meal aswell, almost lay down except 10 cm. Semi carma is seat almot down and a refreshment like some candy and a soda. normal is as we know busses from DK to several tourist places like France or Italy.
After a long journey we reached Salta in the morning, went to the blackmarket to change our dollars to pesos, at the blackmarket we get twice as much than its worts, awesome! :)
Conclusion: Take a flight!
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