Okay, so I guess your all wandering why I ended up flying back home?
I couldnt leave these next couple of blogs back in November, at the time, because I didnt want anyone to know what was going on - it was a surprise for Dad, Mum and Hayley - and it was a nig one at that!
Things didnt go to planned at all - I couldnt find work, I was seriously lacking funds and so I decided to change my return flight home, for the following day (Saturday)!
I told a couple of white lies about why my phone would be switched off for a couple of days - I think it was something along the lines of losing my phone charger and I couldnt afford to buy a new one so the battery would go dead. Sorry Mum and Dad!
I booked my return flight with Virgin Atlantic and felt great. I felt like now was the right timw to go home, because of the lack of funds, and I didnt want it to get to the point of not enjoying myself because I was too worried about where I would stay and how I would get by on next to no money at all.
It was the right thing to do...
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