And if you think things couldnt get any worse for me on a bus...!
We left Central Station at 22:00 last night on another greyhound bus. I wasnt really looking forward to another twelve hour bus trip along the coast - this has been my fourth long bus trip now and Im sick of them!
So, we made a stop just after midnight and again at 4am this morning. I woke up and needed the toilet but decided against the one on the bus so I was going to use the one at the stop. As I went to stand up, the bus driver slammed the breaks on and I went flying forward and ended up in the aisle of the bus on my backside! It was not funny at all - embarrassing actually! Got a sore bum today to say the least!
We got into Byron at 10am this morning. I was filled with excitement as well as nerves by now. The weather wasnt great, there was no sun but it is so hot!
Took me about half an hour walking around town to find the hostel. Ive never stayed at this one before, so I didnt know where I was going, I was just asking random people in the street - one lady sentme in the wrong direction - I was so annoyed - and I had my bag on my back! Finally chiecked into the hostel after waiting a further twenty minutes to check in. One word to describe this place (sorry for the language Nan and Grandad) - but it was a complete s***HOLE!! Was not impressed at all - the bathroom floors are black with dirt and the dowm has twelve beds in and no light! Great!
Not doing much this afternoon, just relaxing before I start a six day week at week! Scary! I feel like it my first day at school...!
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