Wow! I had such a buzz last night - it felt absolutely amazing that I had gotten over my fear of heights by throwing myself out of a plane at 12,000 feet high over the Southern Alps and The Remarkables Mountains! Sweet as! (as they say in NZ)!
My left ear gave me some trouble last night, I couldnt hear out of it for a few hours, until I got completely drunk! We were all supposed to meet in the bar at 8pm, but I didnt join everyone until 930pm because I was too busy uploading my pictures onto my journal for you all to see. I didnt feel too well, but I thought I should at least make an effort because this was the last time that we would all be together for a night out as some of the people from the bus were moving on today. We met in the Altitude Bar, which involved alot of shots and jagerbombs!
We moved on to the World Bar at 11pm and within half an hour of being there, Kipp was asked to leave and escorted off the premises by an English security guy, for being too drunk! It was so funny, it was like he was so spaced out, he had no idea what was happening! I went outside with him and told him to go for a walk, drink some water and come back in an hour. We never saw him again last night..!
The World Bar is famous for serving its drinks in china teapots - very strange. They had a special deal on last night when you ordered a drink, you had to role a dice, if you got a 1,2 or 3 - you had to pay for the drink ($15 each) otherwise if you role a 4,5 or 6 - the drink was free! I managed to get three for free and bought one.
I ended up spending most of the night with JB, the bus driver, and didnt pay for a drink after the teapots - JB was using his KIWI Experience bar tab - it was brilliant. We were on a mission to beat his record of 13 jagerbombs, but didnt succeed because we were so drunk! I managed 9 and he managed 12. Better luck next time! We sat in the pool room for most of the night, just talking and he has invited me skiing tomorrow, in the Remarkables Mountains - I accepted. I am really excited!
I had to walk JB home because he was so drunk and could hardly stand up. I did feel for him this morning when I saw him - he looked terrible.
I walked to the burger shop which serves the most amazing burgers. I had the Fergburger with Blue Cheese - it was so good at 3am in the morning! I met up with Cahill here - hes from Ireland, and we walked back to the hostel together, where I thought it would be a good idea to call Mum to tell her that I was drunk and that I loved her. Ahhh, bless!
I got upstairs to the room and the boys - Kevin, Paul and Kipp were in bed. Well, Kipp was hanging off the side of the bed, still dressed and looked really uncomfortable. I didnt exactly be quiet as I got into the room and ended waking up Kevin and Paul. Kevin told me that he had found Kipp lying on the bathroom floor earlier on and had carried him into the room and left him on the bed! It was so funny - I woke Kipp up (although he didnt have a clue what was going on) and I took his shoes and jacket off and put him into bed. It was hilarious, I was probably as drunk as he was and I was in no fit state to be getting undressed myself, so I ended up sleeping with my jeans and top on! Nice! We spent another hour looking at my skydiving pictures - laughing at them at how petrified I look in one of them!
Kevins alarm went off at 10am this morning because he was due to do a bungyjump. So, I got changed and went for a walk in town to get some fresh air and had some breakfast. I met up with Kirsty, Kipp, Matt and Tye at midday and we took the gondola up to the top of one of the mountians and rode the luge down - it was so fun. Managed to get some wicked pictures too.
I think Im going to the cinema with JB tonight, depends on if he remembers that we arranged to meet at 7pm. We shall see. Im just about to book my days skiing tomorrow, really looking forward to it. At least I can tick the skiing in another country off of my list now!
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