You are NEVER going to believe this...! I did a skydive today and it was out of this world amazing! It was the craziest but best thing I have ever done in my entire life!
Last night I met a guy in the kitchen whilst I was cooking my roast chicken dinner, and he is from England. We ended up chatting and he invited me to his room to watch a film and have a drink, so of course I accepted. It was so good to meet someone new. Paul joined us on the KIWI Experience bus today, so it was nice to get to know him before everyone else. I went back to my room at midnight and ended up talking to the other people in the room, Audrey, Deidre and Andrea, until about 2am.
My alarm went off at 07:00 this morning because I wanted to get a shower and chill out before we left Lake Wanaka at 08:30. I woke up Paul at 08:00 and we went down to check out. The two of us and Matt took a walk down to Lake Wanaka - the view was so beautiful, it was gorgeous first thing in the morning. I stupidly asked them if the lake was fresh water or salt water and they both just looked at me like I had asked the most ridiculous question in the world! How was I supposed to know that it was freshwater!? Stupid huh?! We grabbed a takeaway tea and a pastry from a little cafe on the waterfront and went back to the hostel to put our bags on the bus.
Our first stop was Puzzling World - a ten minute drive out of Lake Wanaka. Basically it has a hugs maze outside and it takes you about an hour to get around it all and find your way out. They had illusion rooms and funky toilets too. We left here at 10:30 and made our way to the Kauwara Bridge - where AJ Hackett invented the first bungy jump in New Zealand. The jump is 34m high over the river Kauwara. It was brilliant to watch other people jump and to see the expression on their faces when they reached the edge. I think about eight people from the KIWI bus jumped this bungy, the others are doing the Nevis bungy tomorrow, which is 142m high - the second largest in the world. We had lunch at this stop and then made our way into Queenstown - a further twenty minutes drive.
We arrived at the base hostel at 14:30 and we checked in quickly. Im sharing a room with Paul, Kipp and Kevin tonight. I had got myself really worked up and nervous about doing a skydive, that I felt as though I had actaully had it booked and was waiting to be picked up... I hadnt actually got anything booked though! I said to Kipp that I couldnt stop thinking about doing it and that I had to do it to get it out of my system. If I had put it off any longer, I probably never would have done it and regretted it later in life. So I walked round to the travel desk in the hostel and asked them how much it was and if they could find out if they had any spaces for me to jump this afternoon. She made a quick call and they confirmed that they had one space left at 15:30 - in less than an hours time! I was shocked because I think I was hoping she would say no, but she didnt, and I handed over my card for her to take the payment, with complete fear on my face.
I walked four doors down the street to the NZone shop to check into the skydive and sign the relevant papers. May I just add that these papers explained that it wouldnt be the companys fault if I was to die! By this time I was so nervous and I was wandering what the hell I was doing! I had to get some fresh air because I was starting to have one of my hot flushes. Matt, Kevin and Kipp walked past and asked me what I was doing, so I blurted it all out and probably came accross as a complete idiot, with how nervous I was and even sounded!
We had a briefing for ten minutes back in the shop and was picked up at 15:45 by Sol - a half English and half Kiwi. He asked us how we were feeling and we all (me and another eight people) said we were fine. I was totally lying!
As soon as we pulled up at the dropzone, my nerves had gone and I was absolutely fine. It was like I was in complete denial and that it was really happening. I had a cup of tea and went to the toilet and we were called through to the room to get kitted up and to meet our skydiver master.
Ralph came over and introduced himself to me, and I asked him to look after me because it was my first time. He made a joke about it being his first day and that he was in training and I replied 'Nows not the f**king time to be joking around my lovely, this is serious. Im actually going to s**t my pants I am so nervous!' He let out this huge laugh, in which about ten other skydiver masters and the other people in the group joined in laughing. He replied with 'if you are going to s*** your pants love, then you can keep that jumpsuit youve just put on'!
So, I was all kitted up, ready to go. I had no nerves whatsoever, not even when I saw the plane land. Nicki was our video and picture taker for the jump and she was running around me with the video camera; I cant believe how happy and normal I seem, I didnt look or feel nervous and I was ready to go.
We were walking towards the plane (I was jumping from the same plane as two other girls) and Ralph said to me that he had forgotten something, to which I stopped, spun him around and told him that it better not be the parachute! It was so funny. I just couldnt believe how calm I was considering I was about to jump 12,000 feet out of a moving plane over the snowy mountains.
We all boarded the tiny plane, the three jumpers, three skydiver masters and three videomen. It was a tight squeeze, but it wouldnt be for long because the climb to 12,000 feet only took fifteen minutes. Nicki kept the camera on me and I was pulling faces and waving the whole way up. Ralph strapped me to him when we got to 9,000 feet and explained what I had to do when the door opened. He showed me a clock on his wrist which basically measured the height; we had only got to 10,000 feet and it seemed so high!
The door opened and one of the Irish girs went first. She looked terrible as they opened the door, it looked like she was going to be sick!
This was it, it was my turn and I was still okay. We slid forward to the end of the plane, sat on the edge, where I was literally dangling over the edge! I took a deep breath, smiled at the camera and Ralph let go... This was it...
The first two or three seconds were so sureal, I didnt know what to think or even feel. We were actually at this point nosediving and I even saw the bottom of the plane as I looked up. We managed to turn ourselves so that we were on our stomachs, legs bent up and arms out in front of us. Nicki appeared in front of us and I was pulling all sorts of faces, waving and sticking my tongue out. Ity was an absolutely amazing feeling, it was like I was floating, it was so weird.
We dropped 8,000 freefall and then Ralph pulled the cord for the parachute to open at 4,000 feet and we floated down slowly, which took about five - six monites. The views were stunning, we saw Queenstown, the mountains and lakes. My left ear kept popping but I didnt care because I was doing something that I always swore I wouldnt do. I had just thrown myself out of a plane, at 12,000 feet and was loving it! I would definately do one again!
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