Another day...they seem to pass pretty quickly and I will admit that I have completely lost all sense of time. Between the continuous time zone shifts, lack of days of the week, and minimal contact with the world beyond our 591ft. home, I am losing track of when things happened, how much time has passed, where we are etc... I think that its alright though. I am sitting in the lounge, in "my spot" where I come for a few minutes of me time, and just watched a beautiful sunset. The sky was a rainbow of color, the moon is out, the seas are calm and the motion of ship is almost mesmerizing...watching the horizon ride and fall in my line of sight.
So I started taking my "malaria pills" today and so far it sucks! Upon consultation with my doctor at home, we had decided to go with Doxycycline. There are few different kinds to choose from. You have to start taking them 2 days before you enter a "malaria-risk" area, take them every day while you are there, and continue for 30 days after. Since I am going on a Safari to Kwazulu Natal (Land of the Zulus) on the 19th, the day we arrive in South Africa, today was the day to start! I will have to continue to take them for travel in India, and Vietnam as well so that means basically forever it seems like. I popped the first one this morning, with plenty of water, as the prescription bottle says, and threw that one up after about 10 minutes of feeling like I was going to pass out from the nausea. Awesome! Took another pill...I tried to go to lunch and didn't make it, grabbed two rolls and managed to eat those. The food helped a little but I spent quite a bit of time just laying on the floor of my cabin waiting for it to pass, trying to figure out it I was going to have to re-think my travels plans or risk malaria because I can't stomach the prevention pills. I was able to keep the pill down on the 2nd attempt and it did eventually pass. I'm going to try again tomorrow after a full mea and hope that my body adjusts to it sooner than later. Its funny though, there are many things we talk to our friends about at home, but on Semester at Sea, it seems that common lunch, dinner, and lounge conversation is what made us sick today, which foods in which country gave us the s***s, and noone thinks twice about it if someone suddenly bolts and runs to their cabin or the nearest restroom. Just another day on ship!
Since I mentioned Safari...I'm going on a SAFARI!!! A 3-day Safari to Kwazulu Natal Reserve where we'll be staying in tents at the Sontuli camp. That's all I'm going to say about it for now, other than I should probably pack tomorrow. I'm sure there will be exciting stories to share when we get back.
Tonight we have our Cultural Pre-Port meeting and then later I have my Sea Social. Hopefully that will go well and the students will have a great time. 1 more day at sea...
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