Just another day at sea today... I didn't sleep very well last night for a number of reasons; first I slept a good deal during the day so I wasn't exactly tired, add the rolling of the ship, and then I had made plans to meet up with Andrew online but becuase of the time change that was at 3am for me. Not a big schedule is so flexible that its more than well worth it and I can make up the sleep another time. I stayed up and watched "Real Women Have Curves" which is a good movie. So once I did actually go to sleep for the night...I managed to sleep through Global Studies, Oops. I've got an alarm clock situation: my travel alarm clock doesn't exactly wake me up very well and my cell phone alarm clock, which I actually do wake up to, is not on the right time zone. For some reason, whatever roaming service its picking up is on Eastern Standard Time and I haven't been able to adjust it. It hasn't been too bad becuase I can calculate what time I need to wake up and just set the alarm for the corresponding EST time but sometimes I mess it up and its getting annoying. I think I'm going to look for a louder travel alarm clock in Cape Town.
Today was a beautiful day at sea. I did some work in the morning, we had our staff meeting and then I spent the rest of the afternoon out on deck reading and enjoying the sun (with plenty of sunscreen). Went to the gym, had dinner and that brings me to now. I do have to work Pub Duty tonight, which is probably my least favorite of all of the differnt Duty stations.
About 3 more days until we reach Cape Town. Noone is really too restless yet but I think we're all ready for our next Port. This is my second transatlantic voyage on a ship! The first one was this past summer on the Maritime ship, the TSES VI, across the North Atlantic and now across the South Atlantic. It's pretty cool when you think about it, that when we're done, we will have crossed the Equator (twice), crossed the International Date Line, transited the Panama Canal, AND CIRCUMNAVIGATED THE GLOBE!
M/V Explorer Position Report: 15 February 2008 -- Latitude: 28 degrees, 33 minutes South, Longitude: 006 degrees, 37 minutes West, Distance Made Good: 2021.8 Nautical miles, (Since Salvador), Distance Made Good: 300.6 Nautical miles, (Since noon), Distance to go to the next Port: 1325 Nautical miles , (Cape Town, South Africa) Average Speed: 12.8 Knots, Distance to the nearest land: 581 NM from Tristan da Cunha island (UK) Sea Depth: 5219 Meters, Sea Water Temperature: 23º Celsius (73.4º F), Air Temperature: 22º Celsius (71.6º F), Wind: East-Southeast, 22 Knots, Sunset Today: 19:07, Sunrise Tomorrow: 05:46
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