Hi All - Just a real quick note since this seems to be a great general way for me to communicate with everyone. There are rumors flying around the ship that we are entering a dead zone for internet; who knows, but just in case this is true, I may or may not be able to e-mail and update so don't worry if you don't hear from me. I still love you guys.
Speaking of rumors on SAS, there are a ton! Living in close quarters with 800 college students, faculty and staff, there are clearly no secrets on board, but some of the really funny rumors about life at sea are: 1. A submarine is follwing the ship for security! 2. Each time we feel a vibration while the ship is moving, we've hit a whale and 3. my favorite so far is that we're going to start Pirate Drills soon so they can practice with the guns before we get to Malaysia. Sorry kids, noone wants your iPods!
Not too much else to report on. We had our first Sea Captains Challengs tonight to start off the Sea Olympics. My Sea didn't win but they still did a great job and following that we had an Open Mic Night in the Union. There are some very talented students on board...there were several people singing and playing the guitar, including one of the RD's KP, a few poetry performances, stand up comedy and even juggling comedy.
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