Today we took the Li River cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo. The first thing that we noticed when we arrived at the dock was how many boats they were! There must've been over 50, all able to take around 80 to 100 people each. The harbour was so busy. Tourists all over the place making there way to their boats with their baggage and their guides.
Once on board, we were shown to our table. Their were eight of us on the same table, us, a German couple, a Mexican couple and two South African ladies. Later we found out they were a couple too - celebrating their 20th anniversary no less! (the thought crossed my mind - what an earth must it have been like for them in Joburg 20 years ago when they first got together? I can't imagine that was a very easy time!).
Within 2 minutes of leaving the harbour, a guy on a bamboo raft came along side us and beckoned us from outside. I opened the window - he was selling hats and drinks and fruit from his 'standing room only' bamboo raft! Mad!!
We obliged and bought Karron a hat for £1.50 after I bartered him down from £3.
Most of the trip we spent on top deck, enjoying the gorgeous scenery and weather. I got loads of photos, (essentially mostly the same so I won't upload them all).
We came down for lunch and blow me if I didn't miss the picture of the cormorant fisherman I wanted. I ended up with one pretty rubbish shot through the window of the boat! Ah well, at least I saw him with my own eyes :)
After about 4 hours sailing, we arrived at Yangshuo. We disembarked and took a 10 minute walk to our hotel pulling our luggage behind us.
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