Arrived on Phi Phi to crystal clear seas and white sandy beaches, took a long boat round to 'Long Beach' where we checked in to two cute bungalows right on the beach. We went straight for a swim then booked in to go diving the next day. How ever night Sam got very sick she was found collapsed and hyperventerlating in the bathroom by the lovely Thai ladies who immediatly came and got us. She basically lost all control at both ends, when she was lying on the bathroom floor face down in a pile of her own bile we decided it was time to go to hospital as this was more than we could handle. We took a boat across to the main town what with lightening above and Sam puking it was quite a dramatic journey! Once at the hospital she was promptly put on a drip and given all sorts to stop puking/stomach cramps etc. We all stayed the night and Nurse Kathryn and Hannah were ready to go with the rubber gloves at all times! Pretty much a full recovery in the morning just a bit exhausted from the nights events.
So after a rest day for Sam we went diving. Sam and Kath aren't qualified so did a taster dive, which they very much enjoyed. The diving was ok had a bit of bad weather recently so it effected the vis a bit. We had lunch on Monkey Beach and then the rain came. We quickly put on our gear and went for another dive a muc nicer place to be in such weather!
On our fourth day we went to Phi Phi Leh (where they filmed 'The Beach') on a snorkelling trip, it was crystal clear and absolutley gorgeous! In the afternoon Nuala and i couldn't resist a dive so we went under the waters whilst Sam and Kath were popped on their own little beach paradise. The diving was much better this time round even had an interesting swim through between two pinnacles. Kath, Sam and i went for a couple of drinks in the evening and talked about how lucky we really are!
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