Yesterday we arrived in Paihia after a 4 hour bus journey from Auckland. It was pretty long but after those flights not really that bad. We had nice views and a stop in the middle so overall not hating the coaches!
When we arrived it was really easy to find our hostel as we just followed the beach and turned right into Backpackers Street... Its a good hostel! The rooms are nice with 3 bunkbeds and theres a livingroom/kitchen and the bathrooms are nice. We even have a pool (though its as cold as the sea).
We decided to take a walk around and went down to the iSite (which is the tourist centre) and figured out what tour would be best while taking a rest on the sand (mellys bum got a bit damp).
We walked into the town bit as well and its got a fair bit in it. We decided to go to a supermarket to get dinner and breakfast sorted. However on the way the weather took a turn towards cloudy/rainy ... as did Anna and Mels moods. Its quite fun shopping with 2 moody people, one of which wont eat anything that even slightly looks processed and the other who hates shopping with a passion!
Lol, I dont really see shopping as much of a stress but nevermind! We got it done and headed back, the weather and peoples moods clearing up as we got closer to the hostel. We then spotted a sneaky seagull guarding a bench and decided to join him for a bit. After a chat in the sun we were all happy and hungry so headed back to the hostel to put our stuff in the fridge (we have a labelled box!) and sat on the sofas to watch a film with the other lodgers (Big Daddy) to kill some time.
We went back to our room to watch some Glee on Annas laptop when we met our roommate. This "slightly eccentric" girl who seemed to be off to australia in the morning. Cooking dinner was another bit of a stress but pasta was served a lonnng time later and I suddenly realised how hungry I was. Being the pig I am I ate what mel and anna ate put together!
We had bought some drinks and had planned on going out but after a hefty dinner all felt a bit stuffed and felt how tired we were. Mel isnt really over her jetlag and I had woken up at 6 in the morning to have the first shower before coaching it so we realised we could save going out for another night. Mel and Anna went to have a shower and I decided to sort out another explosion in my bag. However halfway through sorting my stuff out, i must have managed to fall asleep fully clothed because I woke up a lot later still wearing what Id worn all day.
I found it quite funny anyway!
Today the weathers looking good so far although its supposed to be a bit rough which is why we're going to book our tour cruise for tomorrow. Its going to take us out to an island and to the famous hole in the rock (which is a rock with a hole in it...) and we may even get to swim with dolphins!!!! Its a really good tour and although being a bit pricey seems worth it for the whole day.
Otherwise today were thinking of borrowing bikes from the hostel and cycling to some historical grounds in town and taking the ferry over to the first capital city Russel to see the "quaint little town" over there as the woman at iSite desctibed it. Pretty good day planned! Im off to have some tea and toast (we decided on toast and raspberry jam as we disagreed on cereal, eggs, chocolate spread and lastly - i dont like strawberry jam!).
The internet in this hostel isnt priced too badly so we'll have internet for a while - we're here for 2 more nights i think.
Love to all at home! xxxxx
- comments
Kevin Hooper Pleased to hear you made it to Paihia and you haven't attacked each other yet. Its a nice little place and I am sure you will like it a lot. Enjoying your blog and thanks again for the cards etc. You weren't too much trouble
Kaushal "(we decided on toast and raspberry jam as we disagreed on cereal, eggs, chocolate spread and lastly - i dont like strawberry jam!)." Made me laugh at 01.24 hehe xxx