Discovery, Exploration and Fun Times Along the Way
About Priyanka
Hong Kong was quite a while ago now, but seeing as I never got round to writing about it, better late then never!
The plane from Auckland to HK was pretty long and we were all shattered. Mel and Anna got some sleep however I didnt manage to and so pretty much passed out when we finally got to our hotel. Luckily the transfer was really easy…
Looking back, it's hard to convince myself I went to all these places but having this blog makes it a little easier to believe and a lot easier to remember! What follows is my thoughts, opinions and ideas on what I saw and experienced in every fascinating place I was lucky enough to visit!
My first trip was to South America on my own not-so-little journey joining a Tucan Travel overland tour through South Brazil, North Argentina and up through Bolivia from 18th July to the 17th Augu…
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Hong Kong, China

New album created
Wellington, New Zealand

New album created
Kaikoura, New Zealand

New album created
Christchurch, New Zealand

New album created
Mount Cook, New Zealand
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- London, UK
- Lagos, Portugal
- London, UK
- Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- La Paz, Bolivia
- London, UK
- Bangalore, India
- Sri Lanka
- London, UK
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Hong Kong, China
- London, UK
Kevin Hooper That Pam knows her stuff!!
re: Auckland, New Zealandpam What a lovely family.
re: Auckland, New ZealandVasundra Thanks Anna. Can't wait for you to get back so you can come to mine for another one of my curries. Enjoy Hong Kong and stay safe all of you.
re: Christchurch, New ZealandAnna not nearly as good! xx
re: Christchurch, New ZealandZoe We had an Australian family follow us through Vietnam...the last time we saw them Jess was hideously sunburnt and close to tears and we were about to get on an overnight bus and she said it wouldn't be right to leave without seeing them. They walked past. Maybe we just attract stalker families x
re: Christchurch, New ZealandVasundra How funny that this Indian family is following you around. They probably think you are following them. Why not make friends with them? They might turn out to be your long lost cousins! Was the Indian meal as nice as my Indian meals? I want Anna to answer that question, not you Priyanka. What are base bars and base hostels?
re: Christchurch, New Zealandfardon haha touch wood! very important! wicked you got to see it on a sunny day, was well cloudy when we went!!
re: Milford Sound, New Zealandvasundra Jetboating? Sounds dangerous. Did you manage to sell the prize? Glad you won though. Missing you all.
re: Queenstown, New ZealandVASUNDRA Good to hear you're having so much fun. Sorry to read that Mel is not feeling well. I hope you get better soon. You don't have many days left. Looks like you're all going to need a good long rest when you return. No rest for you Priyanka. EXAMs.........!
re: Fox Glacier, New Zealandkevin Hooper You need to brush up on your Maori. Te Anau is pronounced Tea R Now. Milford Sound is spectacular isn't it. Looks like you mised all the rain as it is absolutely flooded there now. Lucky with the weather alright (touch wood). Enjoy the last few days in our little country and tell all those pasty poms to come and see us. I mean where the bloody hell are you??
re: Milford Sound, New ZealandTicket tout Congrats on winning! - now sell me it and I'll just have to pay for the flight I guess....
re: Queenstown, New ZealandLook it's a worm! You and your worms....
re: Fox Glacier, New Zealandcaroline Hi Guys great to hear about all your adventures and the fun you're having -the kayaking sounds hilarious keep enjoying Holly Peter and Caira are back safe xxxx
re: Nelson, New ZealandVasundra This crazy Icelandic stuff had better not affect your return. You have exams as soon a you get back. Hope you're managing to study in between these adventures. I've heard runours that a 2nd volcano may erupt near the one that is currently causing all this havoc. But I'm sure it will all return to normal by the time you are due back. Love to Anna and Mel. Make the most if it. xxx
re: Wellington, New ZealandVasundra It's so good to read your bloggs. I feel as if I'm there with you. Thank goodness there are 3 of you and you're helping each other out with the hard work like power kayaking! You do sound very fit all of you. Keep smiling and enjoying! xxx
re: Nelson, New Zealand