Sorry I didn't write yesterday, there wasn't too much to report. I just had a theory test in the morning and a more character practice in the afternoon, where we had to pretend lots of different things, like we were in a jungle, or a haunted house. It was still really hard and hot, but it felt better than the first day, so I can see that you would get used to it.
Today was approval day. This is where we actually get sent out into the park with real guests, as a different character to what you have been training as. I was Mr. Penguin/Pingouin - a dancing waiter penguin from Mary Poppins!
I got to work at 9.30am, and had until 10.10am to collect my costume and get ready. I was ready by 10am, but realised I had my shoe covers on the wrong feet, so my ACC had to change them.
My group was the morning group, there were 10 of us being approved then, and 10 in the afternoon. Our ACCs (Accompagnateurs or something French) were also being approved as ACCs, so they were really nice and enthusiastic, although I'd like to think that all ACCs are like that!
The approval was in Fantasyland, so we didn't have to get a traffic or bus to our location, we just walked. I didn't really have time to think about it as Cyril sent us straight in for our first half hour set. It was actually really fun! I got to dance around with the other penguins, play with the children and really interact with them. The half hour felt like 5 minutes! I was finding it really hard to breathe towards the end, I think it was just because I put so much energy into it.
We then went to the breakroom where Cyril gave us all some pointers on how to improve, although he just said 'loved it' to the penguins, which was cool.
The second set was even more fun, as I had relaxed a bit more. I can see now why they give us half an hour on and half an hour off all day, because it really is hard work in those heavy costumes! It's such fun though, you just get paid to play essentially. I was getting quite good at signing autographs towards the end too.
After approval I got changed and swapped my sweaty kit over - I've learnt it in French now...calcones, chaussettes, t-shirt, cagoule...I've forgotten he word for chin strap though. I put some make up on for the first time in days - it felt really good to look slightly nice again!
After lunch, the other team had their approval. It was so fun to watch, and hearing all the children shout 'Mummy look!! Pluto!!' and really believe it is Pluto is so cute. At the end of their second set, we went backstage near It's a Small World, and two of the children followed us (there isn't a gate, just a bend in the wall). Cyril looked round the corner and came back and said to us ' of them has taken their head off'. This is really bad, as you're not allowed to take your head off until you get inside. We were all really sad because we thought the magic had been ruined for the kids, but then Cyril burst out laughing and it turns out he was having us on. There wasn't much for the kids to see backstage there, so I don't think they will have been too traumatised.
We then had a break for an hour, and afterwards we had some more paperwork to do, and Cyril told us who had a face fitting on Monday. Only three people did, two tall (5'7) girls, and one boy. I'm not too disappointed as apparently they have a lot of Tinks and Wendys, so none of the rest of the girls were considered too much (we are all 5'3 and under). It would have been nice, but we're only working for 6 weeks so I suppose it's not really worth their while to spend the timing fitting us and training us if we would only ever get to do a couple of shifts as a face character.
I did find out that I have a costume fitting for Jessie (from Toy Story) tomorrow which is exciting, as I think she will be great fun to play. I also have a make up lesson at 11.30am tomorrow in cosmetology, where they will show us how to do our make up for the parades. There are loads of different parts in the parades, so I'm not sure whether they will show us the make up for each part, or whether they already know which parts we will each be doing and will just show us those. I would like to do flower girl, can can girl, octopus or bungee in DOUD. I'm not so sure of the parts in Stars 'n' Cars or Fanti but something in those would be fun. If I get at least one of those I will be very happy! I have my first REP next Thursday, which is a rehearsal for a parade part. Once you have had one REP you are allowed to play that part, so you could have a REP in the morning and play the part in the afternoon parade. On my provisional schedule I have 2 more REPs the week after, so that is already three parade parts. They could also be for characters like Chip and Dale or Jessie, so they aren't all necessarily proper dancing parts, but any part in the parade will be fun I think.
After work, we were all quite excited at having been approved, so a bunch of us ran to get on Crush's Coaster before the Studios shut at 6pm, it was really fun - I love that ride. I then headed to the Disney Village with a girl in my formation called Katie to buy our Harry Potter tickets, but the girl at the counter told us we can get discount if we buy them in Imaginations. They are over €12 so with 25% discount they'll be under 10 euros which is good. I can't wait to see it on the massive Imax screen!
I booked my Eurostar ticket home today, I'll be home at around 8.40pm on the 7th Jan! It was £69.50, but I think we get reimbursed up to €70 for travel, so I should get most of my round trip back, as my outward ticket was only £29.50. My family have also booked to come and see me which is really exciting! We are staying at the Davy Crockett ranch from 10th - 12th Dec, and at Sequoia Lodge over New Year from 30th Dec - 2nd Jan. I can't wait to see everyone. I'm going to go to planning tomorrow to try and sort out my shifts, it's hard to know what to ask to have off, and what to work, because I obviously want my family to see what I do, but I also want to spend time with them! Mum wants me to work on Saturday 11th when she is there, so I might see if I can get a parade shift as I will have had a few REPs by then. Over New Year I'm thinking of working New Year's Eve, hopefully on parades, but asking for New Year's Day off. I'm not sure how flexible they are, but it is probably worth asking.
I'll update tomorrow to let you know if the Jessie costume does up - I've heard it's quite tight!
Night night xxx
- comments
woodpusher The RSC an only be an audition away now. I once wore a chicken suit for Nando's but can only gasp at the true performance you're bringing to a penguin. Enjoy.
Lottie Thank you for taking the time out of your clearly rather hectic performance schedule to read my blog 'woodpusher'. I am in fact a graduate on a gap year with no acting aspirations whatsoever. At least I have a job eh!