Hello again,
Not a lot to report as I haven't actually started working yet.
After my last entry on Friday, I went downstairs to the boys' room, where the majority of my formation were. We all just sat around in our PJs and played drinking games without the drinking. One of the girls showed us a version of Never Have I Ever where instead of drinking when you've done something, you move one space to the left in the circle (so if the person next to you hasn't done it, they don't move and you sit on their lap). The first person to get back to their original place in the circle has done the most and is the winner! It was nice getting to know everybody, we're all performers so everyone is quite confident and smiley which has helped in the making friends process.
The next morning we met in Les Pleiades reception to go to the Val d'Europe, which is the big Disney owned shopping centre. There's a two storey Auchan supermarket there so I finally got to do some shopping as I still hadn't eaten a thing since midday on Friday. We got our Navigo passes at the RER station, which are a bit like an Oyster card. Mine is valid from tomorrow so I can use it to get to work.
I spent €44 in Auchan somehow. I made sure I picked the 'value' versions of everything, and I only bought pasta, soup, sauces, cereal etc. so I'm not sure how it cost me so much! In the supermarket I started to feel rough, which I put down to not having eaten, so I gave up when my basket got full, meaning I don't have bread, cheese or moisturiser. When I got back I made some pasta, but my appetite had gone so I couldn't finish it. I had bought some Haribo and Kinder Bueno so I nibbled on them and watched some stuff on my laptop. I was feeling really ill and just wanted to come home, but I spoke to Mum and Ed and they both told me (in kinder words) to just take some tablets and deal with it. This I did, and eventually fell asleep.
I woke up this morning feeling a bit better, so I watched some Family Guy and Cougar Town online (I can't get iPlayer or 4OD so I have to watch everything on dodgy sites that take ages to load). I spoke to Ed for a bit on MSN which was nice, then got dressed and headed downstairs to see Beth at about 2pm.
We ended up chatting for over 4 hours, and her roommate, Charlotte, came back and joined in as well so it was really nice to finally have a good chat with some people without everyone being loud and trying to impress each other (I do like my formation very much, don't get me wrong, but it is hard to make friends when there are 20 people all talking over eachother). Beth and Charlotte both have boyfriends at home too (Fiancée in Charlotte's case!), so it was good to talk to them and see how they are finding it here.
Beth said she saw 'FIT' next to my name on the rota. This doesn't mean that I can run for miles, or that I'm really good looking, but it means that I (might, if she read it correctly) have a 'face fitting' next Monday. This is where they dress you up in a wig, make up, and a costume to determine whether you should play a face character or not. They will have scrutinised my face in my audition, and they also have a polaroid of me from that day, so that's how they know they already want to fit me. I could be fitted for either Tink, Wendy or Alice, or two or even all of these characters. This doesn't necessarily mean that I get to play them, because I will have to be approved first. I will check the rota tomorrow though just to be sure that it says 'FIT' and not 'FT' (which means full time, so instead of face fitting I'll be straight into character work).
Anyway, training starts tomorrow so I'd better get to bed, I'll update you again tomorrow!
Bon nuit xxx
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