Flying into Cape Town airport I saw my first rain in over 6 weeks, may as well have been back home! My bag was soaked when I got it off the conveyor belt, made even better by sitting on my back for the 30 minutes I waited for the other girl the taxi was picking up. Nothing like a soggy back to welcome you.
I collapsed into my single room as soon as I arrived, well once I'd walked across the patio to the outdoor bathroom. It's a good job there's a canopy overhead.
The rain didn't subside, so I piled on mu 3 day old hoody, waterproof jacket, and as yet unworn cords to battle the elements and explore Cape Town. After finally heading in the right direction I found myself amidst the electric fences and high gates of the city. Careful not to set anything off, I made my way to the gallery and national museum, both of which were closed because it was a Monday. It's great when you're soaked to the bone and you find things like that out. The Jewish museum was open though, so I dried off in there to the tune of 50rand. It's said $1.60 in Lonely Planet, another peril of carrying a 2 year old guidebook.
I caught my first glimpse of Table Mountain as I fished for my camera in my padlock covered bag, peeking through from under the rainclouds. A group of youths, gosh I'm ageing, walked past me when I was snapping away so it was put swiftly away!
Another wrong turn led me into an unsheltered street that unleashed the wind and rain right down on me, but it did enable me to stumble upon a laundrette that would wash up to 5kg of clothes for only 30rand! Bargain, and so so necessary.
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