Finally were in Sapa, it not the most amazing place when i compare it to the amazing places i have seen further up north but its good to know were going to be spening a few days here relaxing and recovering, we left where ever we were last night at 7am as usual and got out of town, and heading along a road that our map showed as unkonown road, but its was on the map so... why not give it a go, im sure we were the first tourist to ride this way to Sapa, and was really rocky and the bikes were amazing i honestly was waiting for them to explode but they held together we passed lots of locals from small villages along the way and they were all pritty happy to see us, Wally nearly got kick by a angery buffalo we had to ride threw a hered of them that were on the road, we had a break 2 hours into the ride we just needed to give our arms and backs and bums a break the road was horrible but it was great it was just us and the unknown road there were no Kamakazi buses flying past, sure the road was shocking but we had it all to our selfs, we got off the unknown road eventually and the only casualty was my front right indecator that must of borken off from all the boucing around, we hit a sligtly better road and headed towards Sapa we had 100km to go, we were riding along some windy roads and when we truned on of the corners.... suprise there were police, we cought them by surprise and i was at the front of the group, i rode past the 1st officer and has he blew his wistel at me to stop but there were two of them and another one jumped out so i stopped we all stopped i was about 10 meters ahead of where the others had stopped but we knew our rughteen we tryed to get the Go Pros on to record the police but they were on to us, we all emidiatly started taking in romaninan german threw a couple of spanish words in there the cops were completely dumfounded i was yelling our back to the others in romanian and with in 20 seconds they waved us off to leave, it was high fives all round we just got of from having to pay the cops again, the rest of the road was horrible, it was a two lane road but there were holes every where, and we were now on the road with all the buses and trucks, we just abused our bikes trying to go as fast as we could so we wouldnt have to be overtaken by the crazy kamakazi bus drivers, we were hitting so many pots holes so hard i was imagining that but the end of it all i would have left it the handel bars, but these bikes are solid they held together, we rode on to Sapa and along the way we nearly ran over i thikn it was a dead snake on the road but then straing after there were two kids holding these big snakes on two sticks they were just on the side of the road and the snakes were still moving its was just random, we had 5 more km to sapa and sapa is located right at the top of a mountain and we was now really cold and we were back up riding in the clouds, it was even raining a little but we followd allen becuase he had been to sapa before and he knew a hotel we could stay at for half price, it a great hotel its the most expenise iv stayed at $25 a night for two people, with breakfast included everything is so rediculasly cheap here, we checked in around 1pm and went out for lunch had some great food and then went for a massage it was ment to be a two hour massage but my massage was shocking the lady massaged my thigh for 30min i tought she was giving me a chinese burn, after 1 hour i just got up and payed for the hour and walked off, all tho my left thigh felt very relaxed after that, any way we had the whole day tomorro to go and ride or een walk aroung the villages surrounding Sapa so im really looking for ward to wondering around, there are loads of tourist in sapa so ill head out of town tomorro, there are to many people trying to sell me hand bags why would i possibly be interested in buying a hand bag, anyway im really lokking forwars to spending the next few days around Sapa...
- comments
Tab Ahhahaha high 5 on escaping the cops!! And buy me a bag:-) awesome post...Il tell it to Dom as his bed night story cx