We're both overcome with a very somber feeling after a walk down the beach last night before sunset. There is essentially no sign of the tsunami that hit this island back in Dec 2004 here at the resort, except for the memorial that is located on top of a rocky hill that overlooks the expanse of beach, but as we walked past the end of the resort property the miles of beach that extends south is littered with what the water left behind. The trees are stripped and mangrove forests are still decimated, and about 100' from where the sea reaches today there are piles of washed up foliage intertwined with bottles of all kinds, light bulbs, pieces of wood - but most shocking is the number of sandals of all sizes and colors scattered amongst the debris - maybe a hundred in the short distance we walked. It's one thing to read about it from back home but so hard to comprehend when being here.
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