Day 20. Fished the Pentecost River early morning with magnificent views to the reddish pink mesas of the Cockburn Range in the distant. Some smoke about the bluffs from dry season burning off. Lots of small fish rising and a sand shark but riiver bank very muddy so we took caution not to slip as a large crocodile approached from the middle of the river. He passed us at about 20 metres and disappeared. Too close for comfort, we were being stalked. Packed up the rods and headed for the car. Back at the homestead we took a safer option and headed out for a 6km walk through the dry savannah woodland to Bindoola Gorge, very impressive with its 40 foot red rocky walls and waterholes beneath us. Great views to the rugged Cockburn Range. Back to the homestead and then a lazy afternoon reading around the pool and swimming. Dinner around the campfire of silver cobbler (our catfish) and a red. Chatted with a young English/Scottish couple around our campfire who are touring around Oz in their own Landrover with tent top brought out from England. They are male/ female ferry captains working the English Channel.
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