Condor Spotting
I have proper food poisoning!. Don't like it. And you know in some countries they don't like you flushing the toilet peper down the loo? Well Peru is one of them. I was up ALL night. If I wasn't awake with that, it was the dogs barking and the donkeys ee oying right outside my window!! I made it to 730am and I needed to wander over to the close view point for a couple of hours at least. I felt weak as a kitten but made it and sat and waited. I'd made the right decision. There was nobody around. Complete quiet and solitude. The binoculars came out and I became a bird watcher for the 1st time in my life. The views are incredible. I feel peace and tranquility. After about an hour and while I was busy looking out in front of me I became aware of a shadow. I looked up and there was a magnificent bird flying right over me. Gigantic They're meant to get to around 3m wing span...this one wasn't much less. I was rooted to the spot watching it soar and glide into the distance.
Unfortunately that was the only sighting....I saw a few sparrow like birds and a lizard but have made the decision to do the touristy thing in the morning before I head to Arequipa. Oh I passed a woman with a live pig in a bag over her shoulder. It was grunting and squealing and snorting. The poor wee thing! There is only one cafe/restaurant/travel agent (all places are everything) in Cabanaconde that has wifi so needless to say I spent most of my time there.
The next day I took the bus to Condor del Cruz (aptly named touristy view point) and was rewarded with 5 or 6 condors flying around. All unfortunately too far away for a pic but beautiful looking through my binoculars. I don't want to say I was disappointed because you can't force nature. And they were all completely in their natural habitat.....but I was. I fully expected there to be at least 30. All swarming around us like the vultures they are. Some even perching down next to me, all 1.5m high of them! And of course the perfect pic. But alas this was not to be.
Moving on. The bus journey to Arequipa was AWFUL! I had eaten hardly anything for 2 days and my stomach was STILL making scary noises at me. It took another 4 hours and didn't stop for a toilet break so not only was I quietly suffering, I was also dehydrated cos I was so scared to fill my bladder! The bus was hot and stuffy and at times I felt i couldn't breathe. The windows opened but not on my side and the stoopid locals seemed to quite enjoy the stuffy atmpsphere. The lady next to me even made herself comfortable on my shoulder as she slept!
Anyway I safely got to Arequipa and walked an hour to my hostel in the centre. I like what I see so far. Locals are wearing short sleeves so I don't feel TOO out of place with my one vest top.
- comments
Andy Glad you had your Condor moment !:) x
Debbie Osborne Blimey you really are having an adventure! Hope you are feeling better! Stick to fruit and veg! Lol. Stay safe, Debbie xx