Hiya Cous. I'm REALLY enjoying reading about all ur adventures but I can't wait till ur back home too!!! so great that uve written everything down coz u dont want to forget all the fun. Loads of love to u xx
Lol yes you can comment on pics, but only on individual ones I think sorry. Thanks for all the comments guys. Love reading them! Hugs xxxx
Loving all the animal pics! Dolphins!! llamas! Penguins!! So cute!
The whale pics are beautiful!! Your hair's getting long! Looks great!
Omg Iguazu Falls! Unbelievable!! Puts my piddly Grand Canyon falls to shame!
Can I not comment on the photos?? I LOVE the 90/glacier photos! Absolutely stunning!!!
Hey. You look to be having such a fantastic time. Missing you back here though. The place is SOOO quiet without you.
Rachel Fell
Thank you for my b day card and voucher hun!! What a suprise. Thank you so much. Hope u are safe and having a fab time!!!
I like the pic of you and that guyser lol and you at the beach. Just missing the dolphin one, were they too fast for you :)