Areqquipa. Flying Visit
I went to bed at 7pm exhausted from my travelling and walking from the bus station. This 20 bed dorm is really close to the bar...unlike the one on Cusco where it was very quiet. There is karaoke on. I know. If it had been my pool queen night last week I would have gone for it! But alas no. So I lay in bed listening to people killing loads of my favourite songs instead. These hostels for kids are great for me. It's working out pretty good. I go to bed early, have at least 8 hours in the dorm alone to sleep, then they all stagger in at stoopid o clock in the morning waking me only for a couple of hours on and off. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the loo...and as soon as i was outside my room i realised i was looking up to the stars. Beautiful, but a whole different story if the heavens decide to open like they have been doing the last few mornings! No protection at all...not even if you creep along the wall. Maybe it's different here tho, not so mountainous. Less rain. So fingers crossed.
So I have been researching Arequipa. I don't think I can stand another 2 days in another town. With more churches and monuments I simply don't want to see. So I think I'll head to Chile today. There's a beach...yes a beach in Arica, the 1st town in Chile. I know about the earthquake in Santiago but I'll keep an eye on things and hopefully everything will have calmed right down by the time I get there.
I'm bored now after all my exciting stuff the 1st 10 days. I can't be bothered talking to anyone I don't actually have to. I have no interest in making friends. Maybe it's cos I'm surrounding myself with 20 year olds in these hostels. For now, I'll continue keeping myself to myself thanks very much. Oh ps, the one and only photo was taken on the bus to Arequipa. The wee lady next to me felt comfortable enough with me to sleep on me. She was lovely. As are all the locals I've spoken to. All very helpful when I try to ask directions etc in my try-as-hard-as-i-can-spanish
- comments
Susan Poop! I'm all caught up, so youd better write more soon! Hope you're feeling better! You can get very I'll quickly if you're dehydrated! Kirsty ran her first 5k on Saturday, I sent pics if you get a chance to check your email xxx
Andy ️Enjoy Beach !
Anne Look forward to more pictures and stories. You sound ready for a new chapter.