The nights activities were a planned excursion into the forest through various means of winter related transport. We started off on husky sleds ! Jess in front, nomes in the back, and me and Suraj somewhere inbetween. And we were off crossing Tierra Major Valley. It was amazing, the stars were all out, the moon was full, but it was bloody freezing! There were ten huskies, the alpha male leading the pack we were told was called Arnie, and they genuinely looked like wolves it the night sky. Ever so often they would let one rip, pretty much into jess' face- the perks of being at the front!
Once in the forest, we all sat down amongst 15 or so others in a giant tepe with a cap fire in middle. Mulled wine was on the fire, along with a traditional patagonian lamb stew. It pretty much tasted like my mums lentil soup, with a few pieces of lamb added in, but at least we were embracing the culture! Next followed Jose Louis, who after mumbling something in Spanish to the group turned to me. Yes, my AS level Spanish had got me this far, but I still had no idea what he was going on about, so I replied with 'No Hablo Espanol'. The whole campsite stood still. Turns out he was asking for my name, set us off on a good start....
Following a 3 liquor coffee for dessert, the night continued with some traditional Latin American and argentinian songs being sung over the campfire with a guitar. Most of the other people there were Brazilian but there were also a group of French tourists, who also pretty much knew every single word. I blame our education system. Jess and Suraj are adamant they joined in, but it was probably the wine talking.
The return trip back was done by snow shoeing. Surajs kept coming off ( a recurring pattern it seems), and nomes managed to break one of his. It was an experience, though my toes will probably never feel the same again!
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