And so our last day of skiing commenced this morning with blue skies! There were some good photo moments, though by the afternoon the clouds and snowfall returned, (visibility score #5 on the nomes scale), and it was back to braving the antarctic winds. I had a spectacular fall down a green slope, very Hollywood-esque.
There was a recurring pattern today though, everyone kept losing their skis on the chairlifts which then involved a team effort of arm linking to ensure a smooth landing. By the end of the day we were becoming quite good at it actually, looking more like a travelling circus act than skiers. I'm sure it was pretty entertaining aswell up until the last time It happened to jess where instead of us getting off the chair lift together, she got yanked off by one of the lift marshalls it was classic. She wasn't very impressed though, I think we may have even heard her mutter 'I'm reversing the charges'...
Suraj's grasp of the Spanish language is getting better, he helped up a fallen skier who said gracias to which he responded with 'dinero' instead of 'de nada'. He also keeps insisting that 'ta vieng' is a genuine spanish term which he has heard stephan and Sean use, though it doesn't really sound very Spanish the other 3 of us. I guess well find out when Sean meets us in a week.
In the evening we bid farewell to our skis and boots and dropped them off at the rental shop and then continued on home. Tomorrow we get our first lie-in!
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