Hi guys.
Sorry it's been a while since we last blogged, we'd love to say it's because we've been too busy, but this is only partly true. On Friday we went to visit St George's Cathedral which we found really interesting and both thought was a stunning and peaceful place. It was a good opportunity to gather our thoughts. After running a few errands, we made another visit to McDonalds to make use of their free WiFi. The McDonalds here are so much better than in England - apart from being cleaner, they serve actual food, so we tucked into some toasties for $3 each... bargain!
Afterwards we went to find the 'Museum of Performing Arts' which turned out just to be a pokey little room, filled with memorabillia of past shows at that particular theatre. The lady who worked there seemed to want to talk us through the entire 'museum' but we managed to shrug her off a bit.
We caught a bus (story of our lives) home and started getting ready for a BBQ at James' house. Although we made ourselves dinner before, due to our vegetarianism. So after catching a bus and a train, Chuey picked us up from Warwick station. It was a really fun night, we met a few new people, and the house was perfect for a social occasion. Particularly as the fridge was full of home brewed ginger beer (see photos.) A highlight of the night was when the rabbit mounted the dog, it wasn't consensual. A lowlight of the night was the attack of the huge flying cockroaches, who took a liking to Mary-Ann. Also Mary-Ann got bitten raw by mozzies, despite being sat right underneath the citronella candles.
On saturday we made our way to the bus stop for the 12:05 bus (in the 37 degree heat) and waited for about 20 minutes before being frustated and calling the info line who said that the bus had broken down because of the heat and we would have to wait for the next one at 1:05. We were frazzled by the end of this wait, and we nearly didn't go because Amy got mild heat stroke. But in the end we got to The Museum of W.A., Perth. We spent about an hour there, we found the most interesting parts were the beginning of time sections. The museum's lay out was quite complicated and wordy, so we struggled to really get into it.
We went home and got ready to go out again. Starting at 'My Place', we arrived about half an hour before the boys and while we waited we had a funny encounter with a stag party when the groom-to-be fell onto the floor, via Mary-Ann. His thirty-something friend then proceeded to talk to us and was very unsubtle in doing so when he asked us why "all the hot chicks come here... and by hot chicks, I mean you." The good thing about 'My Place' was that the cocktails were much cheaper at $7. When the boys arrived we had one more drink and then made our way to 'The Moon and Sixpence' which was supposed to be like an English pub, and kind of was. We had the most fun here and the boys bought us drinks. By far the funniest part was when Chuey managed to tip his entire pint of beer into Mary-Ann's lap and handbag. We spent the rest of the night at Carnegies and Paramount, which was quite fun but the group dispersed after 'The Moon and Sixpence' due to wastedness.
Yesterday (Sunday) we took the train to North Beach where Ellen picked us up and drove us to her mum's friend's house, which we're super excited to be looking after while the family goes on holiday. The house is gorgeous, with it's own pool and countless mod-cons. The peace and quiet will also be much appreciated. For the address email us, the phone number is: (08)94480150
We've spent today planning activities for the next few weeks in Perth and some for Melbourne, which we think we'll probably head for in mid-January (depending on whether we can sort a second house sit.)
Please leave more comments!!!!!
Lots of LOVE,
Us xxxx
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