Hey guys,
Sorry it's been a while, and will be even longer, but we've spent the day researching out internet options and finding our feet in Perth city centre. Good news is we should have internet access from Mary-Ann's laptop as of monday, so expect a lot more contact then!! (Especially those who have sent facebook stuff/emails which we haven't had time to check.)
Here are our new Oz mobile numbers:
Amy - 0451155546
Mary-Ann - 0451155545
Thanks so much for all the messages, the weather has improved lots!! Here's some brief replies to your comments...
Jess - We miss you, and keep spotting guys you'd fancy the pants off! Hope you've got enough crackers!!! ;)
Katie - Thanks for the text!! Probably cost you enough cos we recieved it in Australia. Keep running, and take Purdy instead! P.s. book your flight!!!!!
Shush - Thank you for my letters! Already broke into the homesickness one, helped a lot. Thinking about you all all of the time, give my love to everyone, especially you!!
Paulio - Saw a guy who looked like you today (except a skater and brunette), hurry on over please!!!! We miss you!
Sophie - Congrats, you've always had good timing! Mary-Ann says thursdays are lonely without you ;) We miss you lots!!!
Karen Elliot - Thank you for the message, keep my updated on choir stuff and CDs, please remind caroline to send them to me. Missing choir loads!
Anna - Glad we're already exceeding your expectations, we haven't actually got internet sorted though yet !! Just internet cafes/army barracks, lol. Keep leaving messages, we miss you!!
Ali - A quokka is a marsupial indiginous to Rottnest island, very sweet. A lamington is a cake-type thing. Google them!! :) So glad to hear about Daisy and the bookends!! Keep me updated!
Jamie (Jammio) - So excited about booking your tickets, keep us updated! Not sure we'll be in Perth as long as we first thought, the company's proving more difficult than we had hoped!!! No jobs yet, not looking! Miss you loads and loads.
Stephanie (mum) and Caroline - Mum I'm perfectly fine at keeping myself together!! For example I was the one that got the sick bag for myself, however you're so right about me being sick. Please send Terry and Lou's address, and thank you for telling Fiona about the blog. Miss you both loads and will be in contact soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jane (mum) - Haven't got sunglasses yet, we're learning that there's more important things to spend money on!! Have to tell you about after our lovely phone conversation yesterday, was horrible! But that can wait til internet and Skype :) Got a slightly better night's sleep lastnight so finger's crossed. Also bought a book from Borders (!!!) to read, so we're hopeful! Mary-Ann loved the quokkas, they werre surprisingly soft! Tell Paul and Dad i love and miss them so so much, give the cats massive hugs and kisses from me (be good with Scrumpy's eye!!) Love you times a million and more :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry we haven't had time for more, just off to get some food in for dinner now. Very excited as we've found a bigger, cheaper supermarket with lots of our favourite bits.
Take care, lots and lots of love,
Amy and Mary-Ann
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