Day 214, 3 February 2013, Rome, Italy. Planes, Trains & Automobiles - Travel Day! Given we didn't get to sleep till well after pumpkin hour, it seemed a cruel joke when the alarm went off at 6 am. Fortunately we got a cab easily just outside Tune on Gray's Inn Road. London cabbies being near-god like in my opinion, this one took us from one side of town to the other in short order... very few people around at that hour on a Sunday morning. And those that were were still out from the night before. (So the cab was "automobiles".) The Gatwick Express from Victoria Station (that would be "trains"), was a slick operation, but not one to rush (looked like the Olympics with people running down the platform 5 seconds before the train departed!) When we reached the train terminal at Gatwick it was then on to a monorail before we finally reached the North Terminal. (See - no point rushing this process!) And when we weighed our bags prior to checking them in, that was even more clearly the case - one weighed 32 kg (which as we all know is 23 kg in reverse...) They even have a "Re-packing" spot at Gatwick. Tres thoughtful. So we did. Ended up with a 20kg bag, a 23 kg bag, a 15 kg carry on (bless BA's sensible allowances) and 2 other carry ons. And heat exhaustion - which is what happens when you wear a thin sweater, a massive sweater, a cardigan and a leather jacket, all at once. The flight was smooth (there's the "planes"). Quite a change for us to be on a full service airline that's for sure. Not sure that getting slung a sandwich can actually count as a meal service, but the wine and beer was welcome. Managed to fit in a nap during the 2 hour flight - can't think why we're tired... Eventually made it to Aladino Inn near Termini Station - shattered. However (it being the appropriate spot) utterly blessed with a comfortable bed. All we could do to leave the room and hunt dinner. We took a detour to familiarise ourselves with Termini Station - though I think we'd need two lifetimes for that. We even purchased our Roma Passes to get a jump on our outings tomorrow. At our hotelier's recommendation we found Il Fagianetto and started our Roma stay with a pizza & wine appreciation event. Awesome. No alarms, no deadlines, no trains, planes or automobiles (or anything else) scheduled. Sleep in tomorrow. Phew. (Pictured - Colonna del Pace in Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore. Took a bit of searching to remember where we wandered!)
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