We are just about to depart New Zealand for Australia, so we thought we would do a quick blog to tell you the highlights of our time here.
The North Island is an amazing variety of Mountains, forest, farming and cities, so we always had new and exciting things to see..although i think we have seen enough mountains to keep us fulfilled for a good while, as you can see in the pictures!
Definately one of the absolute highlights of our time here has to be the skydiving experience. It took us a few attempts to actually be able to do it, but it was worth the wait. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. We still cant get over how we felt no fear and were prepared to throw ourselves out of a plane at 12,000 ft strapped to a stanger when we had said we would never do it in a million years before we started travelling! It just goes to show how you change when you're out here!
I think all the activities we have participated in have been wicked experiences. There was not one thing that we wished we did not do, and im guessing we would do them all again if we had the opportunity. That said Andrew has not conquered his fear of heights and Emma still doubts that she has the ability to stay on a raft without falling into the water at least once despite all the activities!
The most disapointing thing was arriving in Wellington for Christmas and realising that all the theatres shut down for the holidays so we were not able to see loads of theatre - which was a big thing for us. What we did see (the one show) was absolute rubbish and confirmed to us that travelling and taking a break after uni before starting work was the best plan! That said we both loved Welly and would go back in a flash. Our Christmas was so much fun and the place is cool without the theatres!
It was really cool to be able to do a winery tour in Napier, the North Island main wine region. We learned alot about wine that we did not know before and will take that information with us round the world and back home. Napier was a really cool place too, in face there was not anywhere that we did not find something to do and something to see. Basically we love the North Island. However, we did not love the Kiwi Paka YHA in Rotorua. That has to be the worst hostel we have ever stayed in. It was unfreindly, dirty, the kitchen was rubbish as nothing worked and the rooms were like something out of the Shining! We were in that hostel for as sgort a time as possible and would not recomend it to anyone!
Everyone we met in New Zealand (except YHA Rotorua!) was really freindly and helpful, and they have such pride about their country and history it was awesome to witness. They have such a laid back attitude towards life and you cant help but catch that attitude yourselves. We have loved our time in NZ, and re seriously contemplating coming back at some point. Everything was 'Sweet As Bro'
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