Hey up hey up hey up.hope you two are still enjoying yourselves?Ya best be!!Iv gone and broken my email.so i need to set up a new one.I hate computers and they hate me.Anyways we had a good time in morroco apart from im no good at sitting on a plane.but il tell you bout it when you get back.Give us a bell when you are in the uk.take care Mr Tomass.
A. Valerie
Hi I didn't realise it was April when I last posted a message and that you will be home this month. My excuse is that we have been very busy holidaying!! Sidmouth, Baltic cruise and we have just returned from France - not quite as exotic as you two of course. We thought you might not get any further than Australia with the acting, but there again you had still a lot of the world to see - anyway enjoy what you time you have got left - is it Japan? Take care both - love A. Valerie
Hi to you both,just having 10 mins on your site between the decorating.Must be done before the 16th.Wonder why!!!!!Enjoy Japan Lots of love
mon-key dance mon-key dance mon-key dance!!!x x
Maureen & Roy
Hi Emma and Andrew
Just seen you surfing photos. Beer belly coming along nicely Andrew! Did you manage to stand up on the ironing board Emma, must have done better than we could. Heard you both not been well, hope you are ok now. Enjoy the rest of you trip, sure you will have lots of tales to tell. See you next month, love from both of us.
Hello you two. Just got round to looking at the blog. Sorry I haven't written for a while, but with my busy schedule I have far better things to do. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also the sums are a little hard.
I have just caought up with your latest adventures it is all so amazing. Have been off work 4 a couple of months so have missed all your moms gossip! Hope you keep having a fantastic time. Julie.x
HI you two are you feeling neglected.We are still looking on your site but can't manage 10 pages of messages so this little one will have to do.What were the elephants called? Were they friendly
Listen I know we are home soon....but come on...we now need to have messages at the same level as when we left!!!! Emma would like to get to 10 pages of messages!!!!! (Is it because the sums are too hard??)
No one is leaving us messages anymore...we are rectifying the delayed blogs for you! PLease message us!!!
happy birthday emma .Hope you have a lovely day.I can see by the photos you are both having a fantastic time.I'm sure you are expert surfers now.Lots of love to you both.lLinda Tim Jenny and Juliexx
Hi to both of you. just to say i really had a good laugh at the camel riding and the underwater pics were great.Awsome campervan too.Hope Bali is good and look forward to more pics from there Lots a love Mum xxxxx