Wed 31st August
I've arrived at my next stop, San Gil. 'Survived' my first night bus of the trip! Survived is far from the right word, actually it was comfortable and I slept almost 8 hours of the 12 J The bus had reclining seats and leg rests- I managed to have 2 seats which made it even more comfy. It means we (I travelled with the lovely French couple) arrived here at 7am feeling not too tired and not needing to collapse straight into bed. It was hilarious that the lights went off by 7.30 with no chance to put on your own reading light- too early to try and sleep though that was what a lot of people did. They put a film on (dubbed in Spanish), one of the worst films I've ever seen but luckily easy to follow! It was so bad! Sadly (am being saracastic!) I missed the end as I fell asleep….The bus was nice and fresh lol Luckily I'd read that the aircon gets put on really high- with 2 jumpers, my hood up and a sarong over me I was just about warm enough, the Colombians came more prepared with blankets! So on to San Gil, well, firstly we're staying at a very cheap hotel, but it is also nice. Is costing only 13,000 pesos for a room for myself, happy days! (That's just over £4) The photo shows the view out of my cute little window. Am getting used to washing my hair as if I was washing it over the bath as is cold water and though it's warm here it's not hot enough for cold showers, but that's just my opinion! San Gil is probably the adventure capital of Colombia-you name it, you can probably do it here! Most of you will know that I won't be doing any of the adventure stuff. Instead I'll be taking a walk in the riverside park, apparently one of Colombia's most beautiful public places (LP). I am also looking forward to trying out the Vegetarian Restaurant in the town! Tomorrow I am planning to go to the National Park of the Chicamocha canyon, where a cable car apparently gives great views as you descend into the canyon. I woke just in time today to see part of the drive on the road along the ridge of the canyon- looks beautiful and I just caught the end of sunrise- you see, waking up at 5.30am was worth it!
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