Woke up 4 in a bed! Bit cramped but the ac kept us cool. I got up at 3:30, although the others were still sleeping.
I went and gave some laundry to be done, then went to the poolside and got a bit of food.
Blair came and met me by the pool, we chilled for a bit, then headed out to get some drinks.
Got big bottle of vodka and played some drinking games in the room for a while, then headed out to the beach.
Found a nice spot to chill and drank there for a bit, then I got out the poi I'd bought in bangkok. Played with them for a bit, but decided its more fun when they are on fire!
Searched the town for oil, but unable to find any anywhere. But noticed at the bar next to us on the beach they were using fire bo staffs and stuff, so went to ask if I could buy some oil of them.
They were so kind, didn't even have to pay, they had a big bucket full of oil, and were happy for me to help myself whenever :-)
Drank and played with poi on our spot on the beach for a while, them once as I was re-oiling them the Thai guy got me to use them around the bar area, about 75-100 people around and watching, I was very nervous as the Thai guys were so good, but got very into it, and it was great. All night had people coming up to me saying how cool it was (I was the only westerner doing it). Lots of people had a go and I gave a girl a bit of coaching.
Sophie and Sean had gone home at his point, just me and Blair in the bar (on the beach). Did a flaming limbo, but I was pretty rubbish so stopped when it got low (not very low!).
Then just stayed in that bar all night, gwtg had a few buckets and a few beers, Blair headed home an hour or so before me.
Eventually the bar shut and I headed home, was an amazing night, one of the best ever :-D
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