On the day we arrived in Chiang Mai we decided to fulfill our chocolate and cake craving so we went to Starbucks and had a Carrot and chocolate cakes. There was a paralysed American man who asked us whether we could play a game of cards with him because he was paralysed! We felt like we couldn't say no so we played rumy with him. He said he was in Friends and other American shows and generally seemed completely mental especially when he said that he was retarted! As soon as we finished the game we escaped him and went to the night market.
The following day we went on a Thai cooking class which was so much fun. The chef was crazy and kept on laughing to himself. There were 9 in our group and in the morning we went to the market to buy food. He showed us a pink egg which had been fermented under ground the inside was black and looked disgusting, we definitely did not want to be eating that! We made loads of dishes which tasted yummy and we could now open up our own Thai restaurant. For one of the dishes we had flaming woks, unfortunately while Nicole was cooking her dish in the flames some oil splatted onto her hand and burnt her! One of the dishes was called drunken noodles because the person who invented it was drunk at the time!
Later that day we went to chat with Buddhist monks which was really interesting. One of the monks told Nicole that she would make a good wife because of her face and another told Suhanya that she had a nice figure through doing yoga.
On the Tuesday we started our 2 day trek in the jungle to Mae Tang. We had 2 other people on the trek with us called Ana and Retz. On the way we went to the long neck village. It was very bizarre to see the ladies with metal rings round their elongated necks. After we went on an elephant ride. The elephant was male and mahoosive, we fed him bananas but he kept on wanting more and got angry when we didn't have anymore to give him! At the end of the elephant ride we followed this Thai man who took us down rickety stairs and then told us to get into a cage we were wondering what the hell was going on. Then suddenly we realized that we were going on a zip line across the river. After having lunch we started our 3 hrs trek in the jungle uphill. We arrived in the village and our accommodation for the night was in a bamboo hut which was cool, however the shower was in a hut too and was freezing cold, it was very refreshing though. Our tour guide made us a yummy Thai green curry and mixed vegetables. That evening after dinner we played a game of spoons the person who lost the game had to have a talcum powder/water mixture put on their face by the winner. At 8pm we lit a huge lantern however in the process it nearly caught on fire. We finally managed to light it and set it off into the sky; this was for a Thai festival. The next morning we trekked down to a waterfall we thought we could have a swim but once we got into the water it was freezing so decided not too. Later we went white water rafting which was awesome. At the beginning we were all a little scared however when we started it was really exciting and fun. Luckily we had an experienced rafter with us who basically kept us from falling in. After that we went bamboo rafting, which was mainly in the water though. Suhanya had the chance to do some rafting.
That evening we went out to celebrate the Thai festival with our tour leaders. We lit floating candles and put them in the river and then lit another lantern, luckily this time it didn't catch alight. It looked amazing to see all the lanterns in the sky, they looked like yellow stars. We then went for a drink in a D&B bar which was cool, they played pendulum so Nicole and Suhanya were impressed! Then we went to a Thai club called Bubbles at Porn Ping tower. It was very disturbing to see old men at the club dancing with Thai girls!
The next day we went to the Tiger Kingdom and saw 1yr old tigers and 3-4 month tigers. The big tigers were fighting with each other in the water and in the process splashed water all over us, it was nice and cooling though. That night we went out for a nice meal and then saw the fireworks for the festival. On the way back home we walked across the "death bridge" which had fireworks shooting off in every direction and even along the floor! We were lucky we managed to across it without any damage.
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