After a 12 hour stop over in Singapore airport (amazing airport, we had fun there!) we arrived in Bangkok.
We met up with Salim on the Khao San road (The classic travellers location). We treated ourselves to a nice hotel with a swimming pool! The hotel staff loved Salim and must have thought he was some kind of pimp/ladies man sharing a room with 2 girls. We had our first taste of Thai food.mmmm yummy. We went for a dip on the rooftop pool and then indulged in a Khao San road speciality... the cocktail in a bucket! Very dangerous.
We took a tuktuk to the Golden palace which was stunning and houses the Emerald buddha. We then went to Wat Pho to see the reclining Buddha who is 46m long! The temples are very elaborate and beautiful.
In the evening Salim and us went to see Quantam of Solace. Before the film we had to stand up and pay respects to the Thai king whilst the national anthem was played and video of him was shown. The cinema's in Bangkok are really nice.
After another swim at the hotel Suhanya went to get her hair cut. She was worried how it would turn out but it was all good (look at BED club pics to see). Nicole went to have a Thai massage which was relaxing/painful but very good. It beats an Ayuverdic massage any day. Salim went off to work on his abs at the gym (he has a 6 pac :) ). In the evening we got all dressed up with eyeliner and dresses! It was the first time in 2 months that we felt like girls! We went to Steves hotel and him and Salim didn't recognise us! Steve's hotel was really nice, Nicole and Suhanya made the most of having pre drinks there. For dinner we went to China town. We then headed to BED (this is a nightclub) with Salim and Steve. It was great fun.
On saturday Suhanya got a Thai massage which got her knots in her shoulder out. We said farewell to Salim who was off to Laos and we got onto the overnight bus to Chang Mai.
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