Nothing really to report today - I have still not done any proper packing, I have still not got all the jobs done that I need to do before I leave and I STILL HAVE NOT FOUND ANY JELLY BEANS.
Where have all the Jelly Beans gone? Maybe there is a shop somewhere that only sells jelly beans? Maybe the Cycle Kenya ladies have created a world shortage? Either way I know that I cant find any......
On a non Jelly bean related subject, I am getting a bit nervous now..... I am starting to worry about being away from the children for 10 days (previously I have been away for 4 and I missed them like crazy). Hopefully the company, the country, the physical challenge and the whole experience will help me not to dwell on missing them.
With a bit of luck the greeting I get when I return will be worth it!
I have a challenge for tomorrow - updating the blog from my i-phone...... wish me
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