Today I have been asking myself a lot of questions to be sure I have not forgotten anything.....
Have I remembered to buy everything I need? - Yes
Have I had all the injections I should have? - Yes
Do I have enough energy food to cycle 400kms? - Yes
Do I have enough cycle clothing? - Yes
Is my clothing appropriate for Kenya? - Yes
Is my bottom going to be very painful after 5 days on a bike? - Quite possibly....
Is going to Kenya a good idea?
I stopped there becuase actually I don't really have to think about the answer. Yes I am going to miss my children a lot, and yes it is going to be a challenge, but really this is about an amazing opportunity. I am going to be doing an incredible thing with a fantastic group of ladies and hopefully I will also get a bit of time to reflect on the things that have happened in my own life this year.
One things for sure - I will have plenty of time, in the sunshine, with fantastic scenery and only me to worry about.......... its going to be a real adventure!
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