Cycle Africa - October 2015
About Nicky
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New blog entry posted
Warwick, UK

New blog entry posted
Warwick, UK

New blog entry posted
Havana, Cuba

New blog entry posted
Santa Clara, Cuba
Claire Lester Good Luck Nicky and the rest of the group. Look after my friend Alison T for me:-) x
re: Today's the day......Mandy Mander Thanks Nicky have signed up my hubby and sent details to my kids xx See you tomorrow eek xxx
re: 3 days to goJamie, Harry and lexi Dear Mummy It sounds like you are having a good time we have some questions 1) Have you fallen off yet (Harry) 2) Are you having a nice time (Jamie) 3) is it nice and hot (Lexi) 4) will you bring us back some presents (Jamie, Harry and Lexi) We really miss you and we are looking forward to you coming home. Lots of love from Jamie, Harry and lexi xxxxx
re: Varadero, CubaKev Say Hello to our Al for me, hope the first day wasn't too humid? Me and the kids following your blog to see what you are all up to. Take care out there. Kev
re: Havana, CubaMavis Antoine All the best Nicky. Really looking forward to your cycle Cuba blog. Enjoy the real Cuba x
re: London, UKCarol Cunliffe Give Aly a hug from me and tell her im soooooo proud :-) but big ouch to the head wound x well done all of you
re: Nakuru, KenyaHelen Ouch! Hope the wine helped to numb the pain! Hope it feels less sore soon Aly! H x
re: Kisumu, KenyaHelen You are all amazing! You are doing this truely incredible stuff and I am just off to work! Let us know when you are home safely and i'll give you a call. Bet you can't wait for L,J & H hugs! xx
re: Kisumu, Kenya- last visited

- travel plan
- Heathrow Airport, UK
- Nairobi Airport, Kenya
- Moshi, Tanzania
- Arusha, Tanzania
- Mto Wa Mbu, Tanzania
- Ngorongoro, Tanzania
- Nairobi, Kenya
sandhy good luck!! x
Claire Lester Good Luck Nicky and the rest of the group. Look after my friend Alison T for me:-) x