This was the place Nick was looking forward to for a long long time!! Storms river, situtated in the Tsitikamma National Park on the Garden Route!! Bloukrans Bridge, the single biggles span of bridge in all of Africa!! Of which they have a 216metre bungee jump! (The highest in the world) This was a nervy moment standing on the edge looking down! (A LONG WAY DOWN) and going for it for the 2nd time in my life!! Absolutley amazing! once you've left the edge it is the most tranquil peaceful moment in your life! You cannot hear anything at all! Until you reach the bottom then the wind hits you!! Other than the bungee we went on a 22km bike ride on a super hot day and forgot water so almost died on that one aswel as nick having dodgy handlebars which almost fell off every 10 secs!! Africa Ey!! And went to a pretty awsome beach with a couple of Aussie chicks and a Canadian dude!! Where we saw Southern Right Whales Flapping Around In The Distance which was an awsome sight!!!! Really Nice Hot Place Storms River!!
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