Basically this was an exciting day!! As this is the Great White Shark capital of the world so we were guranteed a sighting!! After the guys had baited the water for about 15 mins the first Great White appeared and it was pretty chilled went for the bait but nothing too dramatic! Nat and 5 others went down into the cage first and this was a strict KEEP YOUR HANDS IN!! otherwise the shark will have your hand and probarly your arm off!! The visibility under the water was terrible only about half a metre but the shraks were swimming right next to the boat. The first group saw the outline of the shark from underwate by just holding there breathe and going down with a weight on to pull you down!! Nick was in the second group and was in the water for about 5 mins before one shark came and attacked the bait 3 times in a row and all of us got a good look and him from below!! Bearing in mind the water temperature was 11 degrees and we had a 7mm wetsuit with hood to keep us warm!! You can see in the pics!! The last group were in there for around 20 mins until a shark sneaked up on the bait and the guy realised and pulled him in and then the shark began tripping out and bashing into the cage where we got a good view from the boat of a lot of teeth and mouth!! The guys in the boat could not of missed it as it was practically in the cage!! After that we went and saw some Southern Right Whales which are the legnth of 10 fully grown elephants!! That was amazing!! We have heard a few horror stores from the guys about things that have happend to boats out there but we will leave that till a later date!! Now we are in Cape Town for Xmas and with a uni friend for the next few days!!
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