So after a disappointing stay at the beach we arrived in San Pedro de Atacama North of Chile. What a random place it is, it kinda reminded me us of Tunisia or somewhere in the middle east!! We arrived there and decided to go on a desert tour to Bolivia, which is right on the border of San Pedro. This took us four days, and included food and accommodation which we thought was a pretty good deal!
So day one we set off and stopped off at a few lagoons, they were pretty cool for the scenery that surrounds them. We didnt really know how much to trust the driver of our landrover to start with cuz he was heading through the roads and desert at quite a speed, and he looked like he was gonna fall asleep!! We passed one car where the wheel fell off whilst they were driving but thankfully noone was hurt it was just a matter of fixing the thing!!
As soon as we started going the weather got colder and colder as we were climbing altitude. We stopped at a hot spring which would have been amazing but we didnt unpack our swimm stuff before hand and our driver drove off before we had a chance to get them!! We put our feet in though and it was soooo warm, if not quite hot which is just what we needed!! We stopped to look at Geysers, but we were only really able to appreciate them for 5 minutes as it was so cold outside, we know for you guys it will look hot because of the blue skies... but believe us we were absolutely freezing.
Our first nights accommodation was a random little few house by one of the salt lakes with enough rooms for beds and a radom little shop run by a Bolivian guy who was probarly about 600 years old and had no teeth, he was wicked! We got given 4 rugs and a sheet to sleep under but with that we had about another 2 layers on + trousers! And not to forget a sleeping bag aswel! Everyone had some sort of nuclear war going on in there head with headaches aswel as a lady in our room up all night being sick and another chick whos eyes were all screwed up all because of the altitude sickness! After a rubbish nights sleep we got up and stopped at more salt lake lagoons and also this place in the middle of the desert with loads of random rock formations which puts stonehenge to shame!! After some more Coca leaves we got to the 2nd nights accommodation above the salt lake which was loads warmer thank god! And awoke in the morning to Llamas invading the place which was awsome to see them so close up!
Our third day was by far the best! We got to see the largest salt plane in the world (Sala de Uyuni), which carried on beyond what the eye could see. We stopped at a random island in the middle of it called Fish Island which was full of cacti! That with the white background was an unbelievable view!! Then came the fun with our persepective pictures which entertained us for quite a long time!! Also we thought it be a good idea to do some jumping in the air pictures.... if you check out the photos you will see... il let you guess which one it was that Natalie gets kneed in the leg and falls on her but!! Very funny! We got into Uyuni mid afternoon, and had to wait around for our truck to take us to the nights accommodation... well when we got there we figured it was right on par with our first nights accommodation in terms of coldness... not nice!! Next day got woken by the Bolivian guy revving his engine at 4:30a.m to leave for the border! After a few temporary break downs we got there to find the border guy still pretty much in bed! But all was well got our stamps and back into Chile which is where we are now and is a hell of a lot warmer!!
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