We got up early this morning and went with Jenny down to the beach to walk Brooke, we got to the beach at around 0830 and it was a really nice way to start the day. We did get some adbuse from another dog walker though! Brooke was chasing her ball and ran into another dog and the owner shouted "control your dog, don't you know he's blind!" and went on and on! Of course we didn't know her dog was blind, it's not like he's using a white stick is it?!
We went back up to the house for an Aussie breakfast, vegemite on toast! It's alot like marmite, we both really liked it but I still prefer marmite!
Jenny, Cathy and Alan said they'd take us out in the car today to see the sights of Rye. We drove out to a couple of great lookout points where we could see out to Phillip & French Island (Kylie has a house on French Island!).
We then headed to Flinders to some more great views, was really beautiful. We stopped at a very popular local pub as they all wanted us to try South Melbourne Dim Sims but they didn't have any left!
Alan needed to pick something up from a friends in Flinders so that was our next stop. From the gate the place just looked like a storage shed in amongst acres of land but as we went in and around the other side but we saw he'd converted into an amazing, very modern home. The place was gorgeous and just surrounded by land. Pete, Alan's friend, had the most adorable golden lab too, just like our Quinnie, but a bit fatter!! We all went in and the boys all tried some home brewed beer whilst us girls had some local wine. After they polished off the home brew the guys moved on to cans of a popular Aussie beer.
We were all getting a bit peckish so we drive out to the Pig and Whistle pub where we all sat outside and shared some plates of Shark & Chips!!!! It was really nice, alot like cod. The men enjoyed some "left knacker" with their shark and chips, its a local beer which they brew themselves! We stayed at the pub a few hours and enjoyed the sunshine, food and beer before making our way back to the beach house.
On our way back we stopped off at the butchers and Nick and I bought us all some Kangaroo steaks! We got five for $17! Bargain! When we got back to Jenny's, Alan helped Nick BBQ before we all tucked in, it was delicious. Yum!
Later in the evening Judy and Bill joined us for dinner which we all struggled to finish after scoffing all day!
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