The plan had been to go to an elephant camp today but after a lot of research, chatting to locals & travel agencies we basically had two options; to pay an absolute fortune to go to a conservation & learn how to train elephants (meant to be amazing but very expensive when on a travellers budget!!) or go to a local camp whetre people say the elephants aren't so happy & do shows etc. We simply couldn't afford to go to the good place & didn't want to pump our money into a tourist act so decided to give it a miss. We have said if we come back to Thailand on a holiday we will invest into a day at the expensive place then as we will be more likely to be able to afford it! A real shame but we feel we have made the right choice.
As we have seen everything in Chiang Mai now we had a lazy & chilled out day & took some time to book up hostels for later in our trip. Very happy as we have finally sorted somewhere to stay in Singapore!!
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