We had decided to extend our stay in La Paz to give us time to visit the pre-Inca site of Tiwanaku.
The renovation of this temple site is very much a work in progress, some (poor) reconstruction was done in the 1960s, much more excavation and re-reconstruction is required to really bring the site to life and to uncover its secrets.
That said, it is an impressive and fascinating place. Our guide was very informative about the various phases in S American history and also about the facts and assumptions about the Tiwanaku people/site. Well worth a trip.
Two things stood out for me. Firstly, there are dozens of stone faces carved into a sunken room. Even after taking into account erosion over the years, some of these do not appear to be humanoid. Clearly these represent aliens, although our guide was adamant that this is not the case despite the rumours. Secondly, the skilled way in which the people were able to cut and carve the stone back then - even using modern technology we'd struggle to recreate some of the features seen. Again, clearly aliens were involved!
That evening we were due to take a night bus over to the city of Potosi. However on arriving at the bus terminal we discovered that a road block meant that the buses were all cancelled. They do like a good demonstration, these Bolivians. This was a pain as it meant another full day in La Paz.
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