Greetings from hot hot hot Freo!
Classes started yesterday and I am now in the process of creating my weekly routine.(Ma I posted a pic for you so make sure you check it out, there wasn't a refrigerator near so I figured my room would do!!) School here has a much different format.Each week there is one 2 hour lecture and 1 one hour tutorial for each subject.Therefore, I have each subject 1 time a week where at home at least 2 or 3 times a week.With this type of schedule it leaves full days to be filled with sunbathing, working, volunteering, and studying of course.Yesterday I have my HR management class, I think I am really going to enjoy the material.Which is good considering the class I had today, Western Tradition Literature, is seriously a joke!All of these old English authors and language is wayyy over my head!Anyhow, lets just pray that I can get through it. The real challenge besides the actual content of the class is the language barrier.Now I know you all are thinking "they speak English, how hard can it be?"Well trust me, it is!Australians have a tendency to not pronouns full words.They shorten everything.In addition they have different terminology as well as spelling.For example, afternoon = arvo, dodge = bad, optimize =optimise , gorgeous = good (that food just tasted gorgeous).Not only are this tricky but in class they speak so fast and so quiet that I must stare that the person talking so I can try to read their lips!
Other than class and the beach not much as been going on.Went into the city with the girls and SJ on Saturday.The City really lights up at night, lots of live music everywhere you go and with the weather being so nice with the sun goes down it is nice to be outside!They had an opening mass for international students on Sunday.It was in a little chapel on campus, SJ and her Ma asked us for dinner and considering I have to shop, cook, and clean all my meals I agreed to join with no hesitation!!I am so thankful for SJ and her family.They have really took us under their wing and have been spoiling us rotten.
Got the news today too that on Monday there is an Australian Holiday so we all get a three day weekend!Just what I need after such a long, stressful week! Hahah Just kidding but I think we may be taking advantage of the weekend and making a trip or doing some touring around town.For anyone who knows the singer Ke$ha, she is going to be in the city so we may be making a trip to go see her in concert.I know Ma, you are oh so jealous!I will picture you singing "I wake up in the morning, feeling like P-Diddy"haha I'll be sure to let you all know if that something we decide to do.
Went to the beach today and within feet from where we were swimming came a dolphin!It was an amazing sight!The sun was setting and the fins were above water as it swam the water line.
Well as I am typing I just blew another fuse.Lets just say my fellow housemates aren't too happy when their fans come to halt in this boiling hot weather (not such a good way to make new friends)!Something with my converter so hopefully we can get it all sorted out!
Talked to my Ma yesterday and we said that plans for the visit are coming along.Can't wait!It is beautiful here! Keep me posted on the details.
How could I forget, Becca and I applied for a job here in Freo at the ColdRock, also known at ColdStone back at home!They are looking for flexible workers so we figured we would be the perfect match.Waiting to hear back from them!
My thoughts and prayers go out to friends and family of the girls, Emilee and Danette who have passed away in the tragic accident.Just makes me feel that more thankful for the family, friends, and opportunities I have been blessed with.
Everyone stay safe in the Winter Weather!
- comments
Uncle Paul Sounds like things are going well. Especially glad to hear the you are like the HR class. If you get stuck don't hesitate to call. Australian Industrial Relations is especially interesting and unique -- and more understandable than olde English. :) Winter is almost over here in DC. But I did make it out for a day of snowboarding. (I thought mention of it might cool you off a bit. :)) Love and hugs,
Aunt Anne Am packing for a Ski trip to Utah!! A cooling thought?? Plans are in the making for the visit . Hope all works out with you changing your ticket. Is the name on your passport, Nichole Christine Clayton?
arlena :) it is really good to hear that you guys are doing so well :) we all miss you and mention you often...and i must say when i read your stories i can just imagine you experiencing them :P love ya and Uncle Paul you did not actually go snowboarding:) can't believe it
Aunt Maria It sure does sound like everything is going well. The weather is still cold and snow and rain. I'm very excited abt visiting you and hope all the things work out. You stay well, study hard and have fun. love you
MOM Glad to hear your classes are now started and you're exercising your brain! I know you will work hard and do the best that you can do!! It is so nice of SJ and her family to take you under their watches! I feel so much better:):) Kesha-get out!! I'm oh so jealous!! Hope it works out. Thanks for the new picture. Love you see your face :) Miss you much!! XXOOXXOO
Mrs. G. Well I'm coming to see you the end of June with your FAMILY made final arrangements today with travel agent so......WatchOut!!!!! We are all excited. Oh, forgot I heard you need some recipes I'll send some good ones your way easy and affordable!!!!! A little birdie told me sandwich an banana?
Aunt Marge Hi Nichole, Just love reading your updates! I, too, am glad you are enjoying your HR management course!! Have a great long weekend -- and make sure you add a little studying in there:) Love you - Aunt Marge
MJ Hey there, You really seem to be enjoying seems more like a vacation, huh? Well that will soon change, the novelty will wear off and you'll be hitting the books pretty hard!!! I see that your English class requires READING, ouch! We all know how much you enjoy to read!!! I remember the English class you took independently from Ms. Dewar, plus all the reading in your AP classes. You go girl! Not much going on at school. The grils basketball team took districts , and the boys are getting ready for districts next week. Our bowling team didn't fare so well this time. But they gave it there all. There was a picture in the Times today with Mr. "G" and his girls....if I can figure out how to send it to you I know me and computers. I have to tell you that I went to Herman Hiss yesterday, and bought a Blue Lagoon purse, wallet, check holder, and duffel bag, John was with me otherwise I am afraid I would have gotten more. Next time!!! You take care, study hard but do enjoy yourself...not that you aren't! I am so darn proud of you. Love, MJ