We kickstarted week Seven by making a video for Project Aware, raising awareness for sharks!! As the dive centre mocked us for our Karaoke attempt a couple of weeks ago, we had to do a underwater musical video/Shark awareness video.... Champagne Supernova was the song..... [Keep your eyes peeled on Trawangan Dive's facebook page and mock us all you like, just make sure you click LIKE]
As we have now finished our Divemaster course, our time is filled with fun diving. No guiding or assisting instructors, just us two and the ocean! On one dive, we headed to Shallow Turbo and as we descended something headed towards Helen and despite her resistance settled on her was a Remora tagging along for a free ride. [The last time Helen checked, she did not look like a Shark or a Turtle] We couldn't get rid of it and it alternated between Helen and Nicks tank until we found a turtle and chased the remora off. The turtle was not best impressed with us and was flipping over trying to get rid of the remora... Oops.
This week also saw loads of attacks by titan triggerfish, Nick was lucky to evade all attacks while Helen was not so lucky. Helen was ever so grateful for her fins and alternate air source to scare them off!! No injuries occurred thankfully!! It got to the point where every time Helen saw a titan triggerfish her hand immediately went for her alternate air source...
Both of us decided to have a day off together on Wednesday and cycle around the island (something that we have not done........shamefully). It was scorching hot and we stopped for a couple of drinks and visited the turtle sanctuary (Helens second home!). Naturally the evening spelt the usual Wednesday night antics. All of us really went for it, Helen had no choice as she started the night by asking for water (she was still feeling fragile from her snorkel test) but when she returned from the toilet, she found a vodka joss lined up for her (Thanks Sarah!!) and that kickstarted the night....Whatever happened that night will remain on the island...
We decided that before we left Gili Trawangan we wanted to dive the the Japanese Wreck, its GPS is only known by Trawangan Dive/Blue Marlin Dive as it was founded by the owner of Trawangan Dive/Blue Marlin. Friday morning was spent at the wreck and we really enjoyed our dive seeing juvenile fishes, lots of lionfish, and the wreck was amazingly intact. The decompression stops were not much fun though, Helen had a 27 minute deco stop.... while Nick only had 13 as he followed a technical dive computer.....Thanks Nick(!)
Our last night was spent at Trattoria, a yummy italian but as there was a power cut we didn't manage to have much conversation as it was hard lipreading under candlelight. It was still a good night as it was nice to have everyone together and the night ended appropriately at the Irish. The centre of our fun and frolics on Gili Trawangan.
We really did not want to leave Gili Trawangan, and more so we did not want to leave Trawangan Dive. But, Saturday came....faster than we would have liked. We had one last dive before packing our bags and saying farewell to some of the staff, unfortunately our timing sucked as some of the staff were still out on dives and we caught our boat feeling guilty. As our boat left the beach, we looked out of the window to see several people from Trawangan Dive waving farewell! The whole moment was very dramatic and emotions were high....
For now, its Farewell Gili Trawangan but... We will be Back!
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