Tuesday 8 th September 3:30pm
Ko Samui
Ok, ok so we didnt quite last till 11 oclock on our ban of buckets at the full moon party! We started at about half 9 and contined through the night until half 5. It was a good night although we both had a lot to drink (Neil was s ick and we lost the friends we had met up with) we got a taxi home and then slept until 3pm the next day! We chilled then at Boom's for the rest of the evening and the following day again. At this point a little bored we decided to head into the night market at Thongsala. Due to the full moon finishing it was DEAD and we headed for the only open bar where we met a guy from belfast, Tommy and an italian guy, Guiseppe. They were off to a thai boxing match so we tagged along. It was surprisingly enjoyable and we had a great night with a few beers cheering along the locals! While we were here we spotted 2 of the people we had lost at the Full Moon party and so arranged to meet them the following morn to head here ( Ko samui). We got the boat and then a minibus and made our way to a small guesthouse which was full(LUCKILY) and decided to go to a 'posher' resort to meet our 2 irish friends who we knew were there. We looked like strays walking into this place that seemed very expensice and when shown the price list was nearly 2000 Baht a room (WAY OUT OF BACKPACKER BUDGET) as soon as we mentioned we had friends here they pulled out 2 keys and took us to 2 rooms which we got for 600 baht (12 quid) a night. Ok it isnt quite as luxurious as the other villas but we have our own beachside bar and pool and the place is immaculate. So there are 6 of us staying on a balcony (in what we have named prison block 5- ha ha)
Check it out its 'Chaweng Garden Beach Resort, Ko Samui'
The 6 of us decided to eat out at an Irish bar and then joined the pub quiz where you wont believe....we f'in WON! ha ha only a few goodies but as you can imagine i was jumping for joy (not competitive at all) We did really well considering there were 10 other teams! After that we managed to land oursleves on the red light district with all the bars laced with girls and ladyboys trying to entice us in...we went into one and played pool and left after an hour. Today we have chilled by the pool and not done too much. Neil has managed to put his snorkel gear into use in the sea! We are here for tonight and meant to head on tomorrow, although we may stay another night here...yet to be decided!
Muchos Love xxx
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