This is going to have to be a really quick one because it's taken me so long to get all my photo's on that the internet place is going to shut in 10 minutes!!!!
I'm having a really good time and getting a bit sad that it's all going to end soon - not that I don't miss everyone but it'd be great if u could just all come here and then I could stay even longer!!!
The weather is being really unpredictable so I'm not venturing very far in fear that if i get on a ferry and we get a storm - i'll be stranded and not able to get back to my island!!!! The joys of visiting a tropical paradise during monsoon season!!!
I've got a really rountine going though involving lovely walks on the beach and leisurely dinners by the sea!! I'm meeting some really nice people too - a real mix from young backpackers, to families on holidays and lots of local people who realise that I have no become a regular feature!!! There are a few kids who have also become my regular playmates on the beach!!
I met this really nice tailor the other day who is from Burma but his father was from Newcastle and went over during the war - it was really nice to talk to him and hear about his country. He was made a refugee but now owns a shop quite near to my hotel!
I went for a manicure the other day as they are only about 1 pound here and as i'm quite spotty at the moment (largely as a result of the grease i'm putting on my face everyday - sunscreen, after sun and insect repellent - in that order!!!) the woman sold me a face mask made from herbs!! It smelt something rotten but it did help quite a lot - there are some nice pictures of my sporting the mask!! Very attractive!!!!
Anyway, I best go as they want to throw me out!! I move to Bangkok on Sat and will be very sorry to say goodbye to the beach!! I'm even beginning to get used to the heat!!!
Hope all is well at home!
Tash xxx
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