This is my third day in KL and I have to say that i've taken to it really well - it's probably one of my favourite stops so far. I arrived on Sunday afternoon and tried to make my way to the hotel!! I got myself a ticket for the airport express train into the city, navigated my way onto the overland metro system - remembered to get off at the stop nearest to my hotel and then got stuck!!! lol The instuctions I had from the hotel merely said 50m from the station, no directions, no instructions on which exit to take nothing!! I wandered around aimlessly for a while before stopping to ask a few people if they could point me in the right direction. I sensed I was getting closer when I saw lots of other hotels but none with the name I was looking for! In the end a policeman with a huge rifle took pity on me and asked me where I was looking for - he looked at the piece of paper in my hands, turned to me as if i was stupid and said 'it's right here' pointing upwards lo and behold - I was standing right under the sign!! I hadn't expected it to be on the third floor!!
I checked in and went for a little nap - like you do and by the time i ventured out of the hotel again in search of some sustinance I found that a huge market had sprung up outside the door!! I literally couldn't move for all the vendors and customers shoving to get thier bargains or make a sale. I went for a little wander through the stalls - it was pretty similar to the markets in china and stopped at one of the street cafes for noddles and a diet coke!! It was about 10 by this time but the market was still packed! It was all bit hot and busy for me though so i decided to get an early night.
Yesterday, I had planned to go on the Malaysian Wheel - which is just like the london eye but it was raining so i decided it might be better to do something else. I got the tube up to Little India where the historical centre of KL is and you can see some of the remains of the British rule - there were some mock tudor buildings which looked a bit incongrious in the tropical climate surrounded by street sellers offering exotic treats. In the evening I went to the Central Market which is an indoor centre that has the most bizarre selection of shops I've ever seen!! There was this one shop which sold wall to wall Mills and Boon books! There must have been about 10,000 of them all in one place - Considering the country is quite religious i didn't think this would have been allowed!! I fought my way through the crowds back to my hotel stopping only to try and haggle a price for the friends series 1-10 DVD boxset. I didn't purchase though - everything seems too expensive compared to china!!
This morning I woke up feeling full of flu!! So as a treat I had a muffin and a hot chocolate in starbucks (I know, I know, not very cultured!!) I then went to the biggest park in KL where i had a quite afternoon reading my book. I then had a wander around the streets near my hotel where I found a shoe shop that wasn't very impressive on the outside but inside was like a treasure trove! Right at the back, they had a huge section full of Office shoes - turns out they are made here in Malaysia! They were all 1 pound a pair!! I tell you a could have bought about 10 pairs but luckily most of them were too big for me so I had to just settle for 2! A pair of flats and a pair of heels shoes which I'd seen before I left selling for about 60 pounds!! Just shows you how much profit they must be making! It is about 7 now and I am going to go and find some dinner and then to bed as I am flying to Phuket in the afternoon and have to find my way back to the airport!
I would love to have some pictures to show you but whilst I was trying to make room on my memory card I managed to delete most of the one's I had just taken!!
I hope all is well at home - thanks again for the messages, it is great to hear from you all.
Speak soon
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