Hey homies!
OMG what a dork im sat here in an internet cafe happily faffing around with facebook etc and they have a radio playing. So Shakira - wherever whenever comes and my brain decides to ignore the fact that im not alone and makes me sing the most retarded bit out loud! luckily theres only one other guy in here but i just sneaked a look at him and he's smiling to himself! i hope its a funny email and not the noisy retard two computers down!
Anyhoo im going to keep my mouth shut now! apart from sipping my hot chocolate which you get free here! good times! actually it tastes nothing like hot chocolate but its hot and sweet so i like it and its free so im on my second cup! :-D
So i did the neighbours night which was brilliant! i dont even watch neighbours but it was a really good night out anyway! i met karl kennedy woop woop! and dan fitzgerald and ginelle (i dont know who the other two are but i know you claire are a neighbours fan so you might!) they came around the tables and did photos etc meanwhile we did a quiz and they did some silly competitions. they shouted out for a single guy and a single girl so a quite nice looking girl got up and a slightly less good looking rather chubby little bloke got up and they were then told that in order to win the prizes which were day trips to see the great ocean road or the penguins etc they had to snog!!! the little bloke naturally looked rather pleased with that and stood there like "oh yeh i dont mind - big cheesy grin- " and the girl just looked quite frightened and did it anyway!!! eew! it was gross as well because they had to kiss until the crowd stopped cheering so he was "cleaning her teeth" as karl kennedy (i dont know his real name lol) said! there was a dance comp and a singing comp as well which were quite funny. Then Karl kennedy and paul robinson (dont know who he is either lol) played with their band who were really good and played songs like kaiser cheifs, coldplay, stereophonics, valerie (woop woop girls you know what im on about!) kings of leon, maroon 5 etc so it was brilliant and they even wanted an encore so they came out and played some queen songs. good times!
yesterday i did the phillip island tour which started at 11 and not 7 like the other which i was thankful for! and we went and saw a sleepy koala, a depressed looking dingo, and psychotic looking emu, some well cute wallabies which were really small and ate food right out of your hand! and some kangaroos who also ate out of your hand! then we had lunch and headed off the see a sheep shearing thing (oh yes its all about the wild times with me!) and then went and saw something else which i cant remember right now and then went to see the penguins! we watched as they came out of the sea in little groups huddled together until they were brave enough to make a run for the sand dunes and waddled to their homes. you could walk along a board walk thing too and walk alongside them so me and a girl i met called Esme went and waddled alongside a fat little chubster who had got left behind. i bought a really "cool and trendy" plastic poncho thing too as it was totally peeing it down and i only had a hoody and didnt want to smell like a wet dog onthe bus on the way back lol and it says phillip island penguins on the back so it is cool no matter what you say!
And today we just went for breakie (well for me it was actually second breakfast as i got up for the free pancakes that the hostel does from 7-9 :-D) and then chilled about and now im here rambling to you! Im getting an overnight bus tonight from Melbourne to Sydney which leaves at 9pm and arrives at 12.15pm tomorrow! thats one long ass journey but then il be in sydney woop and am going to see my famo yay!!!
Have nothing more to bore (is that how your spell bore?) you with so shall stop now but will write soon and people.... at lucys i will be able to upload pictures!!! and people.... il be able to upload them all!!!!!! i know i know dont fall off your chairs!!!!! lollll no seriously i will get on to that and get organised :-D
Hope your all good and thanks for the messages i dont know how to reply to them individually lol but thanks for them all!!!
lots of love meeeee
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