Hi People's!
Ok so technically this blog is a lie as im actually sat in Sydney right now. But i did go to Canberra for the long weekend! and i wrote you a massive blog and then pressed next and the computer died! and i couldnt be bothered to type it all out again that night (and we were going out to eat which obviously took priority!) so ive had to write it again but from sydney!
I also noticed when i logged onto here that i havent sent a blog since about the 19th! which is rather lazy of me :-P! Time flys when you having fun! well up until last thursday i was in sydney and i actually managed to get into sydney (the city part) on wednesday i think and explore. which was really cool as i hadnt actually seen sydney in the day time since i got here! how bad is that! it was about 21 degrees that day as well but looked crappy when i got dressed so i wore jeans and a hoody and was then too hot and my feet hurt by the afternoon so i made my way home at about 3pm lol i think the foot pain was a combination of walking literally miles! and wearing trainers that were a tad on the small side (which is retarded as i bought them!)
Anyhoo i got up at the crack of a sparrows fart (typical australian phrase for bloody early!) and hitched a lift with David who works in the city and had the best fruit and nut banana bread and hot chocolate ever! then started off on my little exploration of Sydney! i had to go sort out my coach stuff so rather than take the train i thought id take a walk to the central station (yes people i chose to walk rather than get the train!) it was a long walk though! it took about half an hour but you get to see more if you walk than if your sat on a train. after i wen to the coach place i realised i was in china town and so had a mooch around there and found a mall with not one none chinese person in it, i felt like id stepped back into china and then i bought some honey cashews which kept me going for a bit. i walked a different way back and found that id got to darling harbour (i think thats the one in Nemo which excited me obviously!) and i went to the maritime museum which was cool but i was glad that i wasnt with anyone that actually wanted to read anything as i walked around the entire thing in about half an hour lol! but it was cool and had a charles darwin thing going on which was quite interesting. then i had a mooch back to the main street with the shops and stuff on and headed to the botanical gardens which was literally full of runners and people doing exercise! ive never seen so many people running and jogging and stretching and playing ball ever! i was hot and my feet killed by then so i walked from the one end of the gardens to the other so i came out byt the opera house which is really cool and bought an ice-cream (have you noticed that most of my day revolves around food! i must sound like a pig!) I wanted to head to the bridge then to investigate about doing the bridge climb but couldnt be bothered and figured id do it another day so headed back and caught the bus back to avalon where i was greeted by an ice-cream and lorna's daily toilet visit which she cons me into almost everyday! she says "i need a wee" so im like yeh il take her and then we get there and its not a wee! :-P (she is three by the way incase your thinking what!?)
so that was my adventure in sydney and then on thursday i went to Canberra until monday to see my other aunty and uncle who live there. Canberra's cool because its like being in the city and the countryside at the same time. everywhere you look theres trees and fieldy bits but then your never more than a 20 min drive from anywhere in the whole of canberra. We went to a trivia night on thursday which was funny and the compere man looked exaclty like the human version of seymour and sarahs dog ralphie! We came 5th and seymour won a bottle of wine at some point too! On friday seymour took me up the telstra tower which you can walk around and see the entire city which was cool and you can see why they built the city like they did it makes sense. we went to parliment too (much like ours really its a place where "politicians" go to argue and squabble with each other in dated looking decor!) and oddly enough it smelt like my nans house, which sounds like a bad thing but isnt as my nans house smells nice it was just odd to think the australian parliment should smell like it! that night we went out with some of sarahs work mates which was freezing as we were outside with no heaters but was so funny my cheeks ached from laughin so much! We went and saw transformers 2 the next day which is a real good film and the popcorn was wicked, it was caramel and nut flavour! i was introduced to wagamama's as well which was real good! Sunday we took some sarnie's and went to a national park thing where we saw millions (well hundreds but thats still loads!) of kangaroos! and lots of emu's and even some koala's who were either sleeping or pooping (i think thats pretty much what they do!) and then we went out for dinner with some of their friends and we went back to theirs for a go on the Wii which was fun!
I think im safe in saying thats enough for today! im going to save this in word too before i press next theres no way im typin all of this out again!
Take care people and see you soon (wow its actually half way through my trip!!!!!!! thats crazy! ooh by the way im sorting out what im doing for the rest of my time in Oz soon and i want to do a sailing trip around the whitsunday islands and see the great barrier reef and go find nemo how cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
byeeeeeeee lotsa love Natty!
PS if you have facebook have a look at my dads pics - not for the mess made in our kitchen but he sneaked millie and jordans prom pics in the back! (good work daddo!) and they look soooooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry girls had to go all cheesy big sister on you! :-D
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